Chapter two - how it is

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"Hey Addi!" Makenzi shouts from behind as I'm walking to the cafeteria.
I whirl around to find my best friend with a giant smile on her face. "Hey Makenzi."
Makenzi has been my friend ever since first grade. We were never super close but we always got along. Not until seventh grade did we become best friends. Now we tell each other everything, well almost.
"Sooooo how was your summer?" she asks. We are trying to find a table to sit at.
"It was alright, I didn't really do much." I say as we make our way through all the little sixth graders blocking our path. We finally sit down at a table with some other people from band. The only one I know from the four is Sadie. Sadie plays French horn and has long blonde hair. The other faces look familiar though. Makenzi knows all of them so she introduces them by name. "Addi, this is Beverly, Sadie, Alyssa, and Vivian." She points to each person as she says their name. "Hi" I whisper and do a little shy wave because I don't like meeting new people. I don't know how people are confident enough to greet new people.
We talk about our classes and see if we have any together. Band is the one class that we all have. I figure out that Alyssa plays clarinet, Vivian plays trumpet, and Beverly plays French Horn.
The bell rings signaling lunch is over so we head to band. We all walk beside each other talking about how much we can't wait to meet our new band director when we hear "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" We run around the corner and there are two guys fighting right near the band room. They throw a few punches and cuss at each other. It's not as bad as other fights at our school, but they will still have bruised faces for a while.
"HEY!" The loud female voice makes everyone freeze. The band director is a short woman with dark brown hair and and angry eyes.
"Get inside!" She demands.

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