Chapter 3

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* One Year Later *

I grew taller. I celebrated my birthday. I was now a Junior.

My life went back to normal. 

I still went to Manhattan Academy, Marcy was still my best friend. 

But not everything was the same. 

I still kept in touch with Emily's family.

I went to therapy every Wednesday in place of the park.

My camera was returned to me, new memory card in place, but it was immediately placed in the back of my closet.

And my family was in witness protection.

It wasn't too bad, though.

It was mostly for me. An officer was stationed in my school and just so happened to stay in the same parts of the building I was in. His name was Officer Jack. But I just called him Jack. We'd ditched the formalities a long time ago, seeing as he would be with me for awhile. He took me to and from school, and happened to live less than two minutes from us. I don't think it was a coincidence.

He was really nice, a blond haired middle aged man around 40 or so, married with two kids of his own. His daughter was in third grade and his son was now a senior at a nearby high school. Jack talked about his family all the time, and I found that I didn't mind listening. It somewhat became a highlight of my day.

Maria, his third grader had just lost her tooth.

His wife, Melanie worked as a nurse at the local hospital.

His son, Spencer was an athlete. Baseball, I think.

And their adorable 3-year-old german shepherd, Bubba.

I only ever saw Bubba in pictures, because he was not allowed to be with Jack while he was on the job. But I fell in love with the little pup nonetheless.

Jack was always saying that he would bring him one day. Maybe when he was off the job.

I looked forward to that day.

"Penny, honey, are you listening?"

I looked at my therapist, Franny, who reminded me more of a grandma. Her shock of gray hair and kindly manner only aided in my thoughts. 

"No, I'm sorry, what were you saying," I said politely, focusing again.

"It's alright, I was only asking about your OGT of this week," she asked again.

OGT? Oh yeah, my one good thing.

"Um, I went to the animal shelter with Marcy the other day and saw the cutest little german shepherd ever. She reminded me of Officer Jack's Bubba." I told her with a smile.

"Oh, how precious! You know, a pet may not be such a bad idea. Especially if it would help you feel a little more safe. I'm sure a dog is just right for the job," she told me with a wink.

Excitement bubbled inside. An adult, telling me I should get a pet? Sweet.

The feeling more safe thing was telling the truth though. Ever since I found out Oliver had been a serial killer I couldn't help but look over my shoulder every so often. 

That's another thing Franny taught me. If I continued to call Oliver him or any other name, I would always fear him. Calling him by his name would help me humanize him. Make me less afraid. 

"That sounds awesome! I can't wait to see what mom will think of this!" I laughed.

"I can put a word in or two," Franny offered.

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