Check in

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Viktor and Yuri made they're way to the entrance of the airport yuri turned and was waving to his family and friends. He turned to Viktor's lose arm and cuffed his hand into his they began to walk towards their flight to Tokyo dragging their suitcases behind their trails. "Are you ready for tonight Yuri?"
With determination Yuri nodded his head.  They sat next to one another still holding each others palms an hour passed and Viktor slumbered onto yuri's shoulder,the comfort of viktor was still unreal to yuri reality didn't set in enough to make the whole situation real. Filled with love and surprise he laid his head on top of Viktor's and closed his eyes he too drifted away from reality. "Yuri wake up" Yuri looked up to see Viktor's humble smile "huh are we here?" Viktor turned to collect his rucksack "yup let's go im hungry" Yuri smiled thinking to him self typical Viktor.They  walked towards the exit of the plane and down to the airport bar. "Don't you think we should go to the hotel room 1st viktor?
"What no that would waste time we've only got  4 hours and I'm hungry now" Viktor latched onto yuri's arm and dragged him down the airport "hurry I can smell the noodle bar"

An hour passed and With a full stomach they decide to go and check into the hotel to realise them self from the heavy luggage. They opened the hotel door and saw two single beds "huh" viktor said in a curious tone,"what wrongs?" Yuri asked. Well how are we supposed to cuddle when we're 20 inches apart hmmmm?" Yuri heart melted and his cherry face began to blossom,Viktor turned to Yuri and saw his flustered red cheeks"well let's go" viktor collected his luggage of the ground and walked towards the door. huh what where?",Yuri stumbling over his suitcase trying to catch up with Viktor. "To the reception to find a room with one large bed of course." Wel-well dose it really matter what if they say no" viktor grinned and swooped around yuri and leaned over him,"yes it dose matter and could you say no to me hmm?","huh-no-I-mean-um-yes"
He realised yuri and he plummeted to the ground with a thump, "let's go yuri" he walked down the corridor causing no sign or Intention to wait for yuri to Collect him self from the ground.With a brief complaint viktor won over the hotel staff to have a double bedded room. They reached the new room "ah this is better right yuri?" Viktor leaped towards the bed and creased the blankets and pillows. "We have two hours left what you wanna do hmm?" "Well we have to be there an hour early" yuri insisted,"come here yuri" like an obedient lap dog yuri followed his command without question" do you wanna cuddle?" Ummmmm-what now" "you don't have to" Viktor suggested. Yuri paused and took a large exhale he was tired of being embarrassed when placed in a romantic Position. "Oh-okay" Yuri laid by Viktor's side and curled into his warm body viktor began to twirl strands of yuri's hair letting it slip through his fingers in a slow motion he leaned over Yuri and reached in for another soft kiss Yuri didn't resist he always admired Viktor for surprising and every kiss was a different sensation that shocked Yuri's heart.

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