Chapter 2

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At my tent in the woods, I grabbed my bow and arrows, and headed out to a nearby field to practice my aim, because I had nothing better to do. I hit two bulls-eyes and missed three of my shots. I walked over to the target to retrieve my arrows, when in the distance, I saw a shadowy figure running towards me. When it finally got to me, I realized it was a boy and he was around my age and had short dirty blonde hair and he wore a horrified expression on his face.

"Your Alex, right?" he asked me.

I nodded my head yes, too afraid to speak because he was the first human being that I've seen in two weeks.

"Then we need to run." he said.

I don't know why, but I ran, with him close on my heels. I must of ran either because of the scared look on his face, or because I want to know what in the world he's doing here and where everyone went.

Five minutes later, we stopped running, leaning against trees, trying to catch our breath.

"W-who are you?" I managed to get out between breathes.

"My names Jake." He said "And I'm guessing that your name is Alex because when I asked you, you said it was."

"Yeah, it is." I said "But how did you know my name is Alex?"

"Because they're watching you."

"Who's watching me?"

"Them." he said while pointing behind me. Sure enough, there was three men following us, all in black and with guns, aimed at our heads.

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