Jealousy or H A T E

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(Y/N)'s POV:

Class was going to end soon, and I was already packing my stuff. I was really excited to meet up with my friends, my new friends of course. I was excited yet also nervous. I felt butterflies in my stomach as well, but it didn't really last long. I scanned through the entire classroom and noticed a familiar someone. (Guess who?)




















It was the jock who I bumped into. I never got his name though. I was about to go up to him and talk to him with I notice...we locked eyes. From what I remembered now, he threatened me. If he ever met me again... I won't like what would happen to me... I then looked away and continued packing my bag when all of a sudden. the bell rang. It startled me as I noticed students were already leaving, and then I noticed.... HE was approaching. As soon as I zipped my bag and stood up, he was in front of me.

"Well, well, well," He said with a smirk on his face, "Look who's in MY class... the (H/C) haired girl." I gulped standing my ground.

"That's (Y/N) to you...!" I exclaimed as I tried to push him out of my way.

"Feisty one aren't you~?" He said in a flirtatious way, "I like it~"

"Get of me!" I cried, "Who are you anyway!"

"Call me PJ toots," He replied. He then winked at me. I rolled my eyes trying not to blush from his actions.

"I am not your toots!" I cried as I stepped on his foot. I then ran out the classroom with my things. As soon as I reached the cafeteria, it looked quite busy right now too. I went to look for Al, Papy, Blooky, and Fresh.


Oh that little- ow... she stepped on my foot real hard, I had to hop out of class all the way to my locker. luckily, my friends were there.

"Dude," Undyne said as she saw me first to help me out, " what happened?"

"The new girl happened," I replied opening my locker, " that girl can really take a step on me...literally..."

"Bet she can dance worse than you if she really took a step on you. pfft!" BP said trying to laugh.

"Laugh and the only thing you will see for the rest of the day are stars." I said giving him a cold look. Undyne gave the 'don't piss him off anymore than he is right now' face to BP(Burgerpants).

"Let's just go to lunch," Undyne suggested changing the subject so she of course doesn't have to deal with this crap that I am dealing with!

We entered the cafeteria, I can finally walk again. We went to get our food and sat down the jocks table. we have our own tables of course. There are the Popular table, Jock table, Gamer table, Rock table, Band table, and of course... the Nerd table... ugh. We sat down and were about to eat until... everyone in the cafeteria suddenly went from talking loud, to talking soft, to not talking at all.

"What's going on Blue?" I asked the nearest Gamer to see what was going on.

"Cuz... Her..." Blue said pointing at the girl with Fresh and his nerdy friends!

To tell you the truth, I don't know whether to be shock or be happy to know that she was actually a nerd. However, neither emotion shows that...instead, I felt...something... something burning in me.... that's right..... I know what this feeling is....

















It's H A T E.


Author's Note:

Sorry for the short chapter, but hope you like it though. I was in a hurry. I will keep making more for all of y'all! luv you my readers! Bye~!


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