The Twist?!

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"PJ!!" Exclaimed Raul who patted my shoulder, "Long time no see man!" HE seems happy to see me.

I'm NOT glad to see him.

I pushed his hand off my shoulder. Raul noticed and seemed a bit confused. Before he could speak, (Y/N) called from the kitchen that dinner will be ready. Fresh seem to be just watching anime on his phone, but replied ok.

"YAY!" yelled Raul which caught me by surprised, "I'll get the plates!"

'What in the-?!' I thought kind of freaked out a bit, 'The hell was that?! Is this the same Raul guy that went to the same school as me?! He seems gay!!'

"Hey PJ!" Fresh yelled at my face snapping me back to reality, "earth to PJ!"

"What!" I growled at him, "You know what, save it and get out of my way..." I placed my hand on his face and push him aside and walked away grumbling to myself. Although... I do kinda started to feel bad for what I'm doing to Fresh and his friends... I said kinda NOT like I actually care about them. Don't get me wrong, I still hate them. (Damn son, you a savage XD).

I sat down on the couch sighing as I went on my phone. I couldn't focus on texting my friends because a certain SOMEONE is fangirling in the kitchen. Raul was talking to Fresh about anime and turns out they both love anime...

What the hell is Anime anyway? I mean I know what it is, I just don't get the purpose of it. (MY WORD PAPERJAM!! *Le Gasp*). Anywho, Raul then came up to me and asked me what drink I would like. I wanted to say for him to get out of my face and go piss somewhere else, but I held my tongue.

"eh," I said, "Just water is fine."

Raul nods his head and runs in the kitchen. To tell you the truth, he seems similar to Cil.






From the way he smiles, talks and laughs. Gay man....just.... Gay.


Time le skip: Brought you by Pewdiepie Brofist!

As soon as we all finish dinner, we all started talking about random crap. Well, except me of course, I stayed on my phone. The whole entire time I was eating too. (Y/N) seemed she didn't mind me being on my phone the whole time... Cause, she was on her phone the whole time too XD (That is so me.). The grandfather clock down the hallway rung echoing telling us that it was 9:00 pm already.

"I'll get the pillows!" Raul said as he ran up the stairs after putting his dish in the sink.

"Please tell he's not joining this-"

"Sleepover?" (Y/N) finished my sentence, "Yea he is."

"Great," I mumbled, "that's just....great..."

After taking a few minute of shower and getting ready for bed, I....actually started talking to Fresh... but.. each time we stop talking, it's replaced by an odd silence for about 10 or 15 min..

"So..." Fresh started breaking the silence, ".....Do you have a girlfriend?"

"I don't know do you?!" I asked a little too fast for him to understand.

"Sorry, what was that? I didn't catch you..." Fresh said as he looked a bit confused.

I was about to speak when (Y/N) finally out of the showers.

Time le Skip; Cause... um.... Cats?

It was 12 something at night, and I couldn't sleep the whole entire 3 hours. ugh.

"Hey, (Y/n)?" I whispered quietly, "You awake?"

"No...." she mumbled in her sleep, "Why...."

"I just wanted to ask you it ok?"

"Ask away.....don't take....long..." She replied yawning.

"Ok..... first off, how long will me and Fresh will be staying, and Second, Why is Raul here and not somewhere else..?"

(Y/n) opens her eyes slightly to answer the question. "First off, You and Fresh decide on how long you guys want to stay.... I don't really mind, and second, Raul finished College already and he's my stubborn brother who is too lazy to rent an apartment for himself...."

"Oh," My mind processes the sentence she said. In a flash of an eye, I sat up realizing what she said now.



























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