Chapter 1

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SPECIAL SHOUT OUT TO : JORDANGRAHAM4 for helping me with the beginning of this chapter. AND MELISSARHORAN FOR CREATING THE TITLE!! go follow them now!!!!

Ashley's POV

"Come on!" I yelled as I pulled Jordan out of the car. She groaned. "I hate coffee." she huffed. I laughed and pulled her into Starbucks. "You can't hate coffee." I said. She smiled and started runnng. "Whats wrong with you?" I asked before looking up and seeing her hugging her boyfriend, Mathew. I laughed and walked over to them.

"Hey Ashley." Mathew said. I waved and took my seat in our booth. A few minutes later, a guy with blue eyes and brown hair walked up and handed Mathew a coffee. "What's up bro?" The guy said. "Hey Nash." Mathew said, throwing his arm over Jordan's shoulder.

Im guessing Nash knows Jordan because he said hey to her and took a seat next to me. "Nash, this is Ashley, Ashley, this is Nash. Go make babies." Jordan said. I glared at her as I heard Mathew laughing. I looked at Nash and he was laughing also. I let out a little giggle.

"So Ashley, Do you want anything to drink ?" Nash asked me. He leaned on the table. "Uh, sure.I'll go up there and order my drink!" I exclaimed, getting out of my seat, forgetting he was next to me."Let me go with you so we can leave these two love-birds alone," He chuckled. I smiled and nodded. While we were waiting for my frappucino, Nash started telling me about how he and Matthew are Vine-Famous. It was actually a pretty interesting conversation."We are actually going on a Meet and Greet tour in a couple of weeks. I'm sure Matthew would love for Jordan to come along," I sighed. "Do you think I could come along, too? So she won't be lonely?" "Yeah, if they will let Jordan on, they'll let you on too." Nash smiled. My drink was ready, so I grabbed it and we went back to the booth. "Ashveive, are you preggo yet?" Jordan asked when we got back. I blushed and quickly said no. Nash let me slide in the booth first, I smiled. I kept hearing whispering coming from Matthew and Jordan. I looked at Nash with a questioning look and he shrugged his shoulders.I sighed. Oh well.

Jordan's POV

"Nash and Ashley are perfect for each other," Matthew whispered to me. I smiled and nodded. "We should try to get them together," I replied," they're back." As they got closer, I asked," Ashveive, are you preggo yet?" She blushed and quickly said no. I laughed and looked at Matthew and whispered, "I think Ashley likes Nash." He looked at Nash and found him gazing at Ashley. He smiled. " I think Nash likes Ashley." We smiled. "We should really get them together," Matthew and I whispered at the same time.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Yeah I know this is kinda short... I'll update later tonight.

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