Chapter 2

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Ashley's POV

I can't help but laugh at all of Nash's jokes. He's just so funny and his occasional flirting in between,
makes me blush. I don't realize it, but Matthew and Jordan had left us. AND THEY TOOK MY CAR!

"Nash, Do you think you could give me a ride home?" I asked, "Jordan and Matthew took my car." He smiled at me and nodded. He slowly got out of the booth and let me slide out. He laughed as I hit the table and fell on him. Of course, Nash caught me and I smiled.

As we went walked to Nash's Range Rover, He stopped at the passenger side and opened the door for me. I blushed and got in saying,"Thank you." He went over to his side,opened the door, and started the car. It was basically silent through out the car ride..... UNTIL "Wrecking Ball" by Miley Cyrus came on. We both screamed the song at the top our lungs;laughing when we took a breath.
As we neared my house, I realized my car was there. "Jordan and Matthew are probably inside. Do you want to hang out? They'll probably be attacking each others faces the majority of the time," I asked. " Yeah, That sounds like fun!" Nash exclaimed.

I walked into my house as I could hear Jordan and Matthew running around. I rolled my eyes and let Nash in behind me. My adorable little pug, Lolo, ran straight to me and jumped on me. I giggled and picked her up. Nash smiled and took her from me. Lolo started licking his face.

"BOOOOO!" Someone screamed.
I screamed and flinched.

Of course, It was Jordan and Matthew. I shook my head at them while they were laughing their heads off. I looked at Nash. He was laughing too. I gave them a sad face, and ran to my room; fake-crying.

Soon after, Nash was at my door. He knocked and asked if he could come in. " OKAY!" I screamed. Nash walked in and looked at me hugging my fluffy unicorn. He stifled his laugh and gave me a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry for laughing Ashley. I didn't know you were that sensitive," Nash said. "Haha, to be honest I wasn't really crying. I just wanted to see your reaction," I confessed. Nash smiled at me and joined me on my bed. "Do you want to Smack-Cam Jordan and Matthew?" He asked. "HELLL YEAHHH!!!!" I shouted.

We ran to the kitchen, THANK GOODNESS THOSE TWO WEREN'T IN THERE. Nash grabbed the whipped cream and sprayed some on his hand. I giggled. "Do you think they will notice us?" I asked.
"Nah, they'll be too busy kissing," He said. He sprayed some whipped cream on my face and chuckled. He tried to eat it off but I smacked him. We both started laughing. Soon after the whole kitchen was covered in sweets. "At least Jordan and Matthew aren't up here," Nash sighed. I nodded. I walked over to him and pulled him downstairs so we could smack-cam them.

As we got closer to Jordan and Matthew, we could see them attack each other's faces. Nash and I tried not to laugh. We crept around the corner of the movie room, that's where they were, as Nash handed me his camera. I turned it on and waited for him to tell me when to start the video. He gave me a thumbs-up, and I started it.
"SMACK-CAM!!" Nash screamed. He smacked both Jordan and Matthew and then hit the wall laughing. I fell
on the floor and started laughing too.
Jordan's reaction to this was just so funny because she basically freaked out. Matthew was just laughing like the rest of us. "So Jordan, did I fail your quest to become pregnant with your babe's child?" I smirked, "Karma's a bitch isn't it?" She glared at me and then jumped on top of me. "AHHHH!!! THERE'S A BLOODY LEPRECHAUN NINJA ON ME!!!" I screamed. Nash immediately came to my side but instead of pulling Jordan off he kept her on, while Matthew videoed the whole thing. "I'm sorry, Ashley, but we had this planned out since we scared you earlier," Matthew told me. I glared at him as Nash pulled Jordan off of me. "Ashveive, we really are sorry," Jordan said. "Yeah,Ashley.
Can you forgive us?" I glared at them harder. "Ummm, one thing first. GROUP HUG!!!!" I screamed. We
all gathered in a hug and I smiled.
I love these guys.

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