SRHNT Part 11

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He wants to wait till everything comes clear, before he misunderstands anything or everything. He doesn't want to do the same mistake he did before.

He came back to the recliner, sat beside her.

"Who is on the call Arnav ji?"

Before Arnav answers her question, Khushi's mobile started ringing.

"Arghh... Who is calling me at this time? Whoever it is... I don't want to talk, I'm feeling sleepy. Arnav ji, can you please check the caller?" Khushi asked with lazy eyes.

Smiling at her laziness, Arnav went to bedside table and took the phone in his hands.

"It's an unknown number" said Arnav, more to him

"Then let it be, Arnav ji. I don't want to talk with anyone now, other than you" she cooed seeing him with love filled eyes.

Smiling at her, Arnav kept the phone on the table and went towards her. Before they start any conversation, Arnav's mobile rang. Cursing the person, Arnav answered the call. But as before, the person talked before him

"Khushi, why did you allow your husband to answer the phone? I called you to thank you for the bid file. But your husband answered the call. Did he say anything to you? Did he ask about the bid file? What did you say? Why are you not talking? Is he around you?" the person kept questioning.

Arnav looked at Khushi once and seeing her sleepy confused and waiting look, he cut the call.


"Yes Arnav ji..."

Seeing her innocent face, he couldn't say or ask anything. He shook his head in no, lifted, carried her to bed. keeping her on bed, he joined hugging her tight and closed his eyes.

"You are tired Khushi. We will talk tomorrow. Sleep now" said Arnav. He needs time to think about everything.

"But Arnav ji, I want to talk with you about..." Khushi tried to tell him about her worries. But her voice already sounding sleepy.

"Not now sweetheart. I promise we will talk tomorrow for sure. You need rest, close your eyes and sleep for now" he tightened his hands around her

She sighed and drifted to sleep feeling his warmth.

Noticing khushi's calm breath, Arnav sighed and closed his eyes.

'Who is this person? Why did he say what he said? What does he mean and which file is he talking about? I didn't give any file to Khushi or I don't think Akash gave her one! And also she didn't come to office from long. Wait a minute; is he talking about the NG project bid? Is he talking about the file I gave Khushi two days back to keep in the study? And what is exactly in that file? I didn't even check the file after Akash gave me. I forgot to check. And who is this person? And why did he call MY number to talk with Khushi? And why did he think this is Khushi's number?' Arnav thought deeply to come to a point. Suddenly something lit in his mind "Is this person trying to create rift between us? I can't believe this so called person thinks I would be fool enough to believe him and doubt Khushi. I might be a fool to listen against Khushi in the past, but not anymore. Is whatever I'm thinking correct? I need to talk with Khushi before things go out of my hand" he thought

"Sweetheart... Khushi... wake up dear. I need something... sweetheart... Khushi..." Arnav woke Khushi up

"What's the matter Arnav ji? Are you okay? Why are you waking me up at this time? What do you need?" Khushi asked in her sleepy voice, rubbing her eyes.

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