Libra The Scales
September 23 to October 23
"Light is meaningful only in relation to darkness, and truth presupposes error. It is these mingled opposites which people our life, which make it pungent, intoxicating. We only exist in terms of this conflict, in the zone where black and white clash" Louis Aragon (Poet), Libra sun sign, born 3 October 1897
Basic characteristics of the sign
Personal creed - I Balance
Positive/Masculine sign
Element - Air
Energy - Cardinal
Psychological type - Thinking
Glyph - Ω the scales were probably devised from their use in the weighing harvests; the glyph is thought to look like a yoke.
Colors – Greens, blues
Body part – Kidneys
Gemstone – Sapphire
Flowers – Bluebells, large roses
Trees – Ash, apple
Food – Cereals, most fruits and spices
People with a Libra Sun sign are generally:
* Objective
* Intellectual
* Independent
* Valuing of others
* Principled
* Treat everyone as equals
* Respectful
* Civilized
* Tasteful
* Artistic
* Well-balanced
* Romantics
* Committed in marriage
On the other hand, they can also be:
* Opinionated
* Promiscuous
* Gullible
* Inclined to give in to keep the peace
Librans love:
* Beauty
* Love
* Communicating
* Making people happy
* Elegance
* Designer clothes
* Expensive things
But they can't stand:
* Conflict
* Distasteful things
* Unprincipled behavior
Random#3 inStarsign (16/3/2020) #6 in Starsign (08/03/2020)(07/08/2018) #14 in Starsign(18/07/2018) Here I will put descriptions of a Libra person. Those that are true and those that people say we are which we aren't. I know some say, I don't believe i...