On the seventh day of Christmas...

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On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: seven swans a swimming, six geese a laying, five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree.

Niall's POV:

Harry didn't really say much this morning when he told me to get dressed and ready to go while he got Neveah ready. It obviously had to do with the seventh present that I don't know what it is nor do I want to look it up to ruin the surprise.

We had to get someone to watch our birds—minus the geese because they actually flew away—and our cat. One of our neighbors was more than happy to do it since we always help her out. Plus she's like a bird watcher or some shit like that.

We've been in the car for a few hours now and Harry hasn't really given me any clues to where we were going; no matter how many times I asked. Neveah on the other hand was content in her car seat as she played on her little tablet. I could hear the noises from Cookie Jam and her little grunts when she wouldn't get the right move she wanted.

"Daaaaaddy! Help pwease!" she cried as she tried to hand me the tablet.

So I took it and looked at the screen to see that she only had about six moves left and so much left to get. But then I saw that there were two cakes next to each other, so I matched them together, clearing the entire board and winning the level for her.

"There you go, princess," I handed back to her then looked at Harry. "Babe, not to be impatient...but are we there yet? My arse is starting to lose feeling."

"I know something else that makes that happen," Harry snickered.

I slapped his chest then looked into the rearview mirror to see that our daughter had her headphones in.

"You are soooo lucky she didn't hear you. But really, babe. Are we almost there?"

"Yeah. Just a few more minutes."

"It's not more birds is it?" Harry stayed silent but he smiled a little. "Harry..." He still stayed quiet. "Oh for gods sakes, Harry!"

"Hey, at least I didn't bring them to the house!" He then pouted. "I couldn't bring these ones to the house. Plus...I could tell you weren't too happy with the last ones."

That's when I frowned.

"It's not that I wasn't happy...I was just thinking of our daughter's safety...that's all."

I mean that was the truth.

"I know, but I could just sense that you weren't really enjoying the presents. So, the rest of them...we'll be leaving the house to see, okay?"

I just nodded as he turned down a little dirt road then pulled into a parking lot. There, in front of me, I saw a lake.

"Okay...so you brought me to a lake?" Harry got out of the car and I did the same. "Are the birds on the lake?"

Harry nodded as he took Neveah out of her car seat. We began walking them and when we reached the beach, I was in awe. The birds we saw were so graceful. So beautiful.

"It like my Barbie movie!" Neveah squeaked when she saw one of the swans gracefully land onto the water.

Both Harry and I crouched down low; setting Neveah on her feet.

"Can you tell daddy and I how many swans there are?" I asked.

I know she's only three, but she's pretty smart. Harry and I have been teaching her letters, numbers and colors in our spare time.

We both watched as she counted on her fingers then shout out, "seben!"

Harry smiled then kissed her cheek.

"Good job, baby girl. We're so proud of you."

I gotta hand it to Harry. He's doing all of the 12 days of Christmas gifts quite well. Even if a majority of them were birds, he's still doing a great job. And the look on his face when I see them, is priceless; I wouldn't want to take that away from him.

"Niall?" Harry began when our daughter had walked off a bit to get a closer look at the swans.

"Yes, pet?"

I looked over at him and he smiled.

"You shouldn't have to worry about the rest of the presents. There's no more birds."

We both laughed.

"Oh thank god."

But now I was worried as to what the last five were going to be.


Hey, I'm so sorry it's been like three days since I've updated these.

I feel bad but so much has happened and it didn't feel right for me to post this one (even tho it wasn't completed) the day after I wrote "the sixth day of Christmas".

Anyway, I hope you all are doing well.

Please vote and comment. Your feedback means so much to me and keeps me motivated to write!

Ari aka Momma Penguin

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