Chapter 3

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Chapter 3


So Tsuna had finally gotten around to contacting Shōichi, using a phone he'd filched from some unsuspecting tourist with an international carrier. He'd have to tell his friend to remove the details later in case it was tracked.

"Italy." He repeated. "Venice."

He looked at the phone in sympathy as he heard Shōichi groan. The stomach pains were back.

"You do know," Shōichi enunciated slowly. "That your mother returned a month ago, distraught, and your father's been looking for you all over England right?"

"He is?" Tsuna asked, surprised, he'd been in England for a good two weeks and he hadn't seen any missing posters of any sort.

"Well, he's doing it discreetly, for some reason, but I noticed while I was looking for you."

Tsuna smiled, blushing slightly. "Thanks," he said softly.

He could hear spluttering over the other end until the red head caught himself and decided it was nigh time to ask the important question. "So, why are you in Italy?"

"Well a lot of crazy stuff happened..." Tsuna said.

Certainly a lot of stuff happened and the brunet was sure more than half of it was illegal. First off, he and Spanner decided that, what the hell, let's leave and go to Japan. Well, mostly Spanner decided that and Tsuna was dragged along that pace. But booking flights when neither of them had passports nor visas was out of the question so they decided that they would road trip it, which was kind of hard considering the bodies of water they had to get through to get to Japan.

First off they stole the car, the one Mr. Smith had called his 'baby'. The navy blue Ferrari was hardly inconspicuous but it was also the one they'd worked on the most and Spanner insisted that if they were going to leave, they were leaving with the one they'd modified. So, storing lots of dry food and petrol into the boot they'd almost managed to rev off if the opening of the garage door hadn't attracted Spanner's father. Tsuna put good use to one of Shōichi's inventions he had; a handheld water gun that shot balls of electricity rather than water -kind of like a Taser but with more range- and they busted out of there.

After that, they'd shared a laugh after the strenuous escape, Spanner driving with the help of the platform boots they're stuck to the brake and accelerator. They swapped positions when they got tired, Tsuna learning how to drive for the first time, which involved a lot of narrow misses with poles and trees at the beginning. They'd found an internet cafe first. Tsuna should not have been surprised that Spanner had as much an affinity to hacking as Shōichi. The blond quickly adjusted the car registry so that Mr. Smith was no longer the owner before booking a cruise to France under some fake names and passports Tsuna had managed to grab after a stopover at the busy crowd near Buckingham palace. Tsuna had never stolen in his life until then -aside from the car, of course- and he was almost afraid of the implications at how smoothly he'd just reached in and pocketed the wallets and passports and sauntered away casually when, really, he was panicking inside.

The cruise had gone smoothly, for once, even allowing them to take the car with them. Though they had to make a break for it when a sensible stewardess decided to question why two children were taking such an expensive car. Luckily, that was when they'd already arrived. Thank god the car wasn't open and had tinted windows, they would have been caught much sooner otherwise.

So then they spent several days in France, among cheese and baguettes and baked goods and wine. Tsuna's studies over the language for his designer job payed off as he negotiated jobs for them because he didn't want to steal every time and he much rather had honestly earned money to spend. They altered from cleaning dishes, waitressing, cooking in restaurants -that one Tsuna had to run away from before they decided to beg him for his services because he just knew he wouldn't be able to refuse- they'd even helped set up some strange festival that involved prancing around in skirts as they passed through Switzerland. Spanner took some hack jobs, Tsuna's knowledge of such things far more inferior though he had learned how to get into a locked phone if need be.

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