Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

They ducked through dark alleys, and over rooftops in the dead of the night. Several days spent outside or in rundown abandoned homes.

They had to move.

There was no place to stay. No place that was safe from their unique brand of pursuers.

Nightmare personified. Demonic. Inhumane.

One boy -so young and yet already a recognised criminal- could only chuckle mirthlessly at the irony. Such monikers that emerged from the dying breaths of his victims being used to describe those of his pursuers.

And they weren't baseless either.

Because though they spent so many days -countless days- running, hiding, using his and his pawns abilities to their fullest (and his were no laughing matter, he had gone through several levels of the underworld -unwillingly- to achieve them after all) and yet they were still being dogged by those beings.

So when he came to a dead end, when deathly cold chains wrapped around his young emaciated form, he could only curse, heterochromatic eyes -one blue, the other a distinct blazing red- narrowed viciously.

"You will not keep me from my goal, Vindice!"

And hope that his stupid pawns would do themselves a favour and stay away for once because even he can't do anything against the most ruthless group known to mafioso and man alike. Not that Lancia would care, but Chikusa and Ken could be incredibly selfless when it came to him. But that is why they are pawns, to be used and tossed when he had no need for them anymore and he certainly cannot use them if they are caught too -a small part of his mind, the traitorous part, said that he was actually worried.

He scoffed.

Mukuro Rokudo had long since abandoned such petty emotions.

And yet later, when he was chained and submerged in a tank full of viscous liquid that would restrain even the smallest of movements, he found himself using his otherworldly abilities to seek for another like himself.

Alone and abandoned with nothing more than raging emotion to keep one clinging to what little life they had.

And that was how he found her.

Somewhere far and yet close at the same time, an erudite scientist's robot wheeled in a new specimen; an unwanted and bandaged girl missing some of her most vital organs.

The scientist himself was eager for a live specimen to test his newest theories and experimental material.

So he could only grunt in annoyance when a mist-like haze enveloped the girl, filling in her sunken abdomen. Her one eye snapped open, very much alive.

Well, it wasn't every day he got a specimen run of illusionary organs.

And there were always other experiments he could perform...

Tsuna was already on the commercial flight, airborne with the others seated around him when he came to his senses and wondered what in the sky had made him agree to this trip.

"I can't wait!" Shōichi was on cloud nine and looked ready to float out of his seat beside Tsuna. His excitement was so great that he wasn't even sick as he usually was on any aircraft. The red-head's eyes sparkled and a wide ecstatic grin stretched his face.

Right. This was why Tsuna agreed.

And the fact that Alaire had been begging him to come to Italy for the last two months to visit his cousin. Plus, to attend the book signing his new editor refused to compromise on in Germany.

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