~ Chapter Two ~

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Hey guys omg omg did you see Justin is back with Selena I lovee them together I hope it will last this time though. They look perff in my opinion. Anyway lets get going on Chapter 2. I'll try to upload everyday but my Christmas break is over and I start school back on Monday. ughh but ill try to upload. byee(:


~ Chapter 2 ~

Kayla's POV

I woke up happy that I didn't have to worry about school, or anything for that matter. I got up took a shower and 20 minutes later I was done and left my hair in its natural loose curls. I changed into short shorts and a crop top since its pretty warm outside. I'm done getting ready not even bothering to put makeup on just because I'm too lazy.

I finally make my way downstairs and see my mom cooking my absolute favorite breakfast in the world which chocolate pancakes. "Morning sweetie" she says as she hands me a plate with a stack of pancakes. "Morning mom, thank you". As I eat my pancakes my phone buzzes telling me I have a text. I look to see who it is and its Amber I read it "Hey Kayla there's a party tonight at Logan's and I was hoping we could go together its suppose to be good. It's at 9 so get ready and wear something hot. Please come! I'll be there at 8:50."

I was beyond excited! Logan was my crush and has been for quite a long time. He's gorgeous he has brown curly hair and bright blue eyes, I get lost in them every time I look into them. Logan is hilarious, tall, and he plays basketball. I'm definitely going, I don't care if I have to sneak out I'm going.

It's 2 right now, I woke up at 12 so I guess I got lost in my thoughts. I got done with my pancakes and put my plate in the dish washer. "Hey mom can I sleep over at Amber's tonight" I said in my sweetest voice. "Sure honey what time are planning on leaving?" "probably at around 9:00" "oh ok, I'll be out anyway by that time but don't forget to lock the house by the time you leave" " ok mom thanks for letting me go" sure thing honey". I hate lying to my mom but I really wanted to go and I know she wouldn't let me go.

I went up to my room after my chat with my mom and plopped down on my bed and watched tv until it was time for too get ready.

It was 7 now so I thought it was time to get ready so went into my closet and looked for something sexy. Finally I came to this perfect dress that wasn't too short but not too long, it came about mid thigh. It was perfect for tonight, it was purple, with a V-neck. I went to fix my hair and curled it the best of my abilities. After I went to my vanity and put make up on but not too much I just did a smoky eye effect and mascara, eyeliner, and just lipgloss. To completely finish I put my dress on. Last I just put my pumps on. I walked to my full length mirror and I was shocked at who I saw in the mirror I looked like a different girl. I actually looked beautiful. By the time I was done it was 8:45. So I just got my phone and headed downstairs to find my mom gone already.

Amber should be here about now, just as I thought I heard a beep outside. So I walked out side but made sure to lock the door before I left.

I got into the passenger side of the car and Amber whistled as you got in. I laughed and said "shut up look at you, you look sexy" Amber just laughed and just said "we look both look hot" we both laughed.

We arrived at Logan's house and Amber said "go talk to him I heard he likes you" "really?' you said shocked "yeah now go". I made my way to the front there and you could already hear the music blasting, I made my way inside and Logan was already there and he saw you. "Hey Kayla glad you could make it, you look gorgeous tonight. Do you want something to drink?" "Hey Logan thank you, you don't look so bad yourself, and a soda would be fine thanks" you blushed. " Thanks Kayla and sure I'll be right back". He left but you can feel eyes burning into you from somewhere you turn around and guess who's staring at you, yes Justin Bieber. He turns around once you caught him staring at you. I cannot stand his ass. As you turn around you see Logan making his way towards you and a smile just appears on your face forgetting about Bieber. ''Thanks Logan" "your welcome babe you wanna dance" " yeah sure lets go" I lead him to the dance floor which is just his big living room but it wasn't that bad.

Just as you start dancing birthday sex comes on, you turn around and start grinding on him and he places his hands and presses you against so there isn't any space in between you two. You keep dancing but you can feel him getting a little excited if you know what I mean so you say " maybe you need to calm down" you say as look down and then look at his reaction giggling a bit. He blushes but nods and says " its your fault" now it was your turn to blush. So you stop dancing and go get beer but then you drink one after another. By now there is only few people which are your closest friends. the people left are Christian, Logan, Chaz, Ryan, and Bieber who isn't your friend at all but is still here. Out of the girls its just you and Amber. "so what do yall wanna do?" Logan asked us. "truth or dare" Chaz slurred. "nooooo" I whined. " ohh comon" Amber said '' fine" you gave up.

We all got in a circle by my side was Logan and Amber and right across from me was Bieber. I was just glaring at him and him doing the same.

"Ok ill start'' said Chaz. " Chaz truth or dare?" I said " Dare" ''I dare you to kiss Amber " he just shrugged and kissed Amber but when they pulled away she just glared at me and blushed, I laughed. " Truth or dare Kayla" " dare" " I dare you too do 7 minutes in heaven with Justin" " no way I hate him" "you cant back out now you shoulda thought before you gave me the dare you gave me" I glared at him, if looks could kill he would be dead. I got up and said " come on Bieber" you said heading to the closet. He stood up and walked with you. You two got in the closet and you said "I hate you" he just smirked and said " pucker up babe" he started to lean in and soon you lips touched but the weird thing is you felt butterflies and sparks? No I do not like soon it turned into a heated makeout session. He licked your lip asking for permission but you denied and his hand roamed to your ass and squeezed it making you gasp and he quickly took advantage and stuck his tongue exploring every inch of your mouth. You both pulled away breathless and put your both foreheads against each other and breathed heavily. I opened my eyes and he was already staring at you, you blushed and then suddenly the closet door opens. There was everybody with their mouth wide open and staring you two with disbelief written all over their faces.

You all made your way back to the livingroom and started playing again. Justin just kept looking at you which made you feel uncomfortable. As they played all you think about is why you felt butterflies and sparks it can't be because you like him right?

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