Chapter 5

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"Come on, hurry!" I said, dragging him with me

I heard an exasperated sigh escape his lips but ran with me anyway. The amount of people in the park seems just right as my eyes glistened at the food carts lined up around the whole place.

"Let's buy some!" I exclaimed in joy

"How many times have you had street food?" Yoongi asked

"It's my first time!" I exclaimed

My parents wouldn't let me eat commoner's food since we aren't commoners. They hindered me from exploring so many things that I can use in this life of mine. I don't see the difference in all the food since they were made to satisfy, right?

Yoongi clicked his tongue, scratching his head.

"Are you sure you won't get stomach aches? I mean, you're not used to—"

I laughed, slapping his shoulder playfully.

"Don't worry! I can totally handle this!" I said

"Well, if you say so..." he drifted off

I shook my head dismissively, taking his hand and running to a particular stall first. There were so many to choose from and I couldn't help but try all of them. After buying, Yoongi and I found a spot on the grass to sit on, noticing that the day was about to end.

"The sky is so beautiful!" I exclaimed, noticing the way warm colors and cool colors fought in places on the sky

"Slow down on the food." Yoongi warned

I was munching down on the street food that we bought. I nodded my head as the sun set on the horizon. Yoongi seemed to focus on the way it set as I eyed him while eating. He turned to me, raising an eyebrow.

"Is there something wrong?" he asked

I quickly shook my head, looking straight ahead. It was definitely odd because it felt like I met Yoongi way before this day.

We were sitting in silence but it wasn't awkward at all. It seemed more relaxing than awkward. I swallowed the bits of what I was eating and I accidentally let out a loud burp. My eyes widened, clasping my hand over my mouth. Yoongi looked at me in shock but he bursted into fits of laughter.

"Excuse me! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I started to ramble, shaking him

"That was so loud!" he teased

"My mother would probably scold me if she was here." I said

"Is it because it's unlady-like or whatever the crap that our parents keep on telling us?" he asked

"Totally." I agreed

After that, we eyed the setting before us and I felt a small smile form on my face. It has been a while that I've seen the sunset. It made me think that I wasn't ready to vanish from earth since I still wanted to watch the sunset. Something about the situation felt right and I liked it.

Lots of minutes passed and the sun was completely down. I realized that I was just staring blankly and that Yoongi was doing the same. I moved my head a bit and I felt quite dizzy by just doing that. My stomach grumbled, making me grip it quickly.

Something is definitely wrong now.

"I heard that. I knew it." he said, snapping out of his thoughts

Nausea started to consume me and it felt like every ounce of energy in me was completely drained out of my body. I heard Yoongi cuss under his breath as he wrapped an arm around me and kept me close. He looked around, borrowing newspaper from the couple beside us. He started to fan me and I started to feel worse.

What the hell?

"I'll call the driver. Don't ever eat street food again." he said, reaching out for his phone

"Maybe I just ate too much?" I whispered, trying to avoid the fact that I wasn't really experienced with street food

He shook his head in disagreement as he phoned the driver. I felt myself gag and that awoken my senses even more. My hand clasped over my mouth, my eyes widening.

"Oh shit." Yoongi let out

He helped me stand up as we quickly rushed to find a paper bag or a comfort room. Finding a public comfort room by the entrance of the park, I quickly ran inside. I kicked open a stall, disregarding the fact that it was probably unsanitized. I fell on my knees, gripping the toilet as I puked all the street food I have eaten.

Heaving a sigh, Yoongi handed me some tissue; patting my head. I wiped the vomit that was on my chin, throwing the piece of tissue away. Yoongi helped me stand up, gripping my hand tightly.

"Now, let's get the fuck out of the men's restroom, okay?" he lowly whispered

My eyes widened, realizing that I have entered the wrong restroom. Yoongi casually but quickly pulled me out of the stall, avoiding all the stares from the men inside. Some gave us a dirty look and I slightly turned red from embarrassment. I looked at Yoongi and he kept a stoic face as he purchased a bottled water for me to cleanse my mouth. I felt so sorry as I chugged down the water. He stared at me blankly but he couldn't help but mockingly half-smile at how silly I am for getting excited over street food.

"Over 7 billion people in this world and I just had to bump into you."

la vie en rose (min yoongi) Where stories live. Discover now