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Bradley unlocked the door to his house quickly and rushed into the livimg room where his wife was still completely disturbed.
Ashley was drying the tears that dropped down Gaga's face at any other moment. She was completely nervous and shaking like a leaf; -'Stef? Stef...are you okay? Did he hurt you?', Gaga shook her head quickly but pointed at her arm, which had a bruise in the shape of the hand who grabbed her. Bradley frowned and examined her maimed limb, -'Babe...who did this?', -'I DONT KNOW!' She screamed out of pure nervousness, -'Stefani you need to calm down...come here' he said, while cuddlimg her tight into his arms, -'H-He was a big man, maybe-maybe 50...had a camera around his neck and-and I was just walking...just walking to the car while trying to pick up a phone call and he just-he just came from behind and grabbed me...' she couldnt finish the story without crying but Bradley could definetely imagine, -'I can imagine sweetie...but for now I need you to lay down and try to relax okay? Think of Alex, come on', Gaga cried even harder because she knew all this stress could hurt the baby but she just could not stop it. Bradley sighed and looked at Ashley, -'I'll just bring her up' he said, holding his wife up and bringing her to the masterbedroom.
-'Bradley, we need to get the kids from school. We NEED to get them' she cried, -'...I think it's a better idea if we just send the guys to pick them up when theyre done. Theyre safe in there, baby' he reassured her, caressing her soft blonde hair.
Gaga took a few deep breaths and nodded, -'Okay...okay' she mumbled, laying into her side, -'Now I dont feel so good' she sighed, -'Which is understandable. Do you want anything to eat or drink?', Gaga shook her head and laid against the pillows. He looked at his wife, he hated seeing her this way. He got in the bed and cuddled her tight, -'The kids are gonna be safe and sound here in a few hours okay? But you need to calm down for the sake of this one here' he whispered. Gaga nodded and dried her tears, -'Thank you. It was just a scary situation, he-he followed us', Bradley frowned, -'...Followed you?', -'Yes. I saw him when I dropped Gianluca, and then he grabbed me after I left Joanne'. This worried him. This sounded like a stalker. -'...I think its best if we get your guys to drop and pick up the kids from nursery and school now okay?', Gaga nodded and nestled against his chest.

Michelle tapped her lip with a pen, -'So...you're 40 weeks Stef, and here you are. Still pregnant, and with like, 0 indications of labor...whats happening?', Gaga sighed deeply, -'I'm coming out of a PTSD trigger episode...just like, two weeks ago something happened and I haven't been able to calm down completely' she frowned, biting her lip. -'Right...well, are you seeing your psychiatrist?', -'We talked on the phone and she just told me to relax and all...but it's not working', -'No it's not. Your body is clenched up. It's like coiled up due to stress I believe...but we can't afford that okay? So I think we need you to come to the hospital this time', Gaga rolled her eyes so hard she thought they were gonna pop off, -'Why', -'Because it's safer for you here and I wanna induce you', -'...Alright I guess', -'So we're gonna do that okay? I want you here tomorrow, just call me when you check in and we'll get things started', Gaga took a deep breath and nodded, -'Yes of course'.

-'Hello kids' Gaga greeted her two little children after school, -'Hi mommy' Gianluca smiled, rubbing his eyes sleepily, -'Aww, youre sleepy, baby?' She chuckled, kissing his curly locks, -'Yep...can I sleep here?' He asked, hopping into her bed, -'Yes baby of course' she smiled, caressing his head.
Joanne on the contrary, decided it was a great time to walk around her mom's room and play with her toys, -'Baby come here, take a nap', Joanne looked up at her and smiled, but didnt obeyed. Gaga rolled her eyes and proceeded to dial her husband's phone number to let him know about the induction. He was with a director in talks for a new movie.
Bradley got home a bit late that night, at around 9pm.
He noticed Gaga's two bodyguards sitting on the living room eating some pizza and having a beer, -'Hey guys, whats up' he greeted. The two men smiled at him and greeted him back and then they started talking, -'Hey so...we need to tell you something', Bradley sat down facing them and listened, -'We...didnt told anything to her because, well, shes pregnant and all and she really doesnt need more stress...but I think you should know...so when we went to pick up Gianluca and Joanne from their little nurseries and whatnot, Scott and I...I think we saw your guy', Bradley frowned, -'What do you mean?', Pete took out his phone and showed him a blurry picture, -'Fat? 50ish? Camera around his neck?....He was in both of these places just...standing there but we of course couldnt do anything, the guy wasnt doing much'. Bradley was speechless. -'So this is the man...that grabbed her', -'It seems so...dont tell her anything, Mr. Cooper. It'll make her even more nervous. Scott and I thought about having more guys waiting for the kids to come out of school at all times you know? Like actual trained guys with...guns maybe'. Bradley sighed deeply, -'I mean...yes. Yes, I agree. I'd feel safer with that kind of protection around'.

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