MiniShaw (Requested)

176 5 1

warnings: None at all,Just lil cute

Simons POV-
Awakening to the horrific sound of my alarm clock i rose from my bed,Remembering that today i was going round to harry's flat to film a video. But that wasnt all... I was also going to admit to him that i may have developed feelings towards him,Right now the nerves were building up inside but it had to be said. In all honesty, Ive always seen harry as rather attractive however for months ive put that thought aside,thinking it was just a friendly compliment.

In case you wondered, I didnt just like harry from the start, ive had a couple girlfriends here and there but each time i see him i get butterflies in my stomach. Therefore, after months and months of putting it aside i have come to relisation i like him! Also, i have spoke to the guys in the house and they think i should go for it so thats what im going to do today......

-Small Time skip,Still Simons PoV-

After changing into my grey sidemen tracksuit and white adidas shirt i quickly grab some cereal before heading out the door to my range rover,Before turning on the ignition and heading to Harry's. Hopefully today will go as planned but im not so sure.....

Harrys POV-
After waking up this morning i quickly tidied the flat ready for simon to come and film some videos with me. Except i have something to admit...I like him but i just hope he feels the same as ive had these same feelings for a couple weeks now and they just keep getting stronger and stronger.....

Making some breakfast before changing into my adidias joggers and sidemen t-shirt i head out of my bedroom to be greeted with a knock,Opening the door i see the one person i expected:Simon. Gosh he looks amazing today as i stand and stare at him...
S: Heyyyy, May i come in?
H:Yeah sure, just pop your shoes there and lets get to these videos eh?
S:Sure thats fine,Thank You!

-Time Skip after making various videos-
-Simons POV-
All the way through today my nervs have being buliding and building,Although i dont think harry noticed as he was still quite into the video unlike me who got quite distracted very easily;I cant help it when he looks that good though!

However, What hinted that he felt the same way was that when he answered the door earlier on he was staring at me for a good couple of minutes,Hopefully it is this reason...

-Harrys POV-
Simons been here for a couple of hours now and we have just wrapped up the final video,Speaking of its now time to tell him how i really feel....
H: Simon Can you come here a sec..
S:Sure coming right now..
H: Ive been feeling this way for a certain couple of weeks now and i was wondering if you felt the same....

-Simons PoV-
After hearing that i immediately knew what he was going to say, So as if on que we both said:
I like You!
Both of our faces quite relieved at the fact we both felt the same way about eachother. Hugging it out, i decided to stay the night and spent the rest of the night cuddling and watching netflix together. Well atleast today went as planned...

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