Mindy's POV

After that run in with the wannabe bitch, I headed to track. Running was something that made me feel happy. When I ran every thought cleared my head and I felt like I was flying.

Weird. I know.

Once i got into the locker room I changed into a pair of black short spandex, a black muscle tee, and black nike running shoes.

If you haven't noticed black is my favorite color.

After locking up my stuff, I headed to the track field that was around the football field. Great I get to see those dumb ass football players. Oh and the air head cheerleaders and shocker the wannabe bitch was a cheerleader. -_-

"Conners, Smith, Collins, heathcoat, and Johnson. You guys are up for try outs!" coach wright projected.

we all got in positions and BANG! We were off.

I blocked out everything and just ran.

Justin's POV

Wow out of all things I would have never expected track to be her sport. She seemed more of a boxer or something.

She was fast.

Her red pony tail waving behind her. She was already ahead of everyone by like a lap. She was fast and she just looked so concentrated.

I know I might have looked like a creeper but I just couldn't take my eyes off of her.

Mindy's POV

Three laps done and I came to a stop. Everyone else was still running. I went to the bench with some of my stuff on it and went through my gym bag and got my water bottle and hydrated myself.

"Conners!!" The coach called out. I went over to her.

"Where did you learn to run like that?" she asked with her stopwatch in her hand.

"I use to run with my grandpa when I was little and just got better ma'am." I responded liking what I was hearing so far.

"Well you just bet the school record. Congrats and congrats on making the team!" Coach congradulated me and then I headed to the locker room to get dressed. I couldn't be any happier! And if my grandpa was here he'd be proud too. On my way to the girls locker room I was stopped.

Guess who?

If you guessed wannabe cheerleader bitch, well you're wrong.

It was dumb ass football player.

"Hey babe. So I decided to give you a second chance." I was pinned to was wall once again today. I mean really what is up with guys and pinning me to a wall?

"Aww that means so much to me!! Now I get to reject you once again." I grinned and winked.

"Look enough with this stupid act! I know you want me." He got close and I could feel his boner.

"You're right. I do want you.........to get away from me." His proud grin faded into anger. He pressed me harder into me. It made me screetch a little.

"Hey sebastian! Get off of her!!" a familiar voice yelled out. I couldn't see who it was because of how tall he was.

All of a sudden he dropped me hard on my ass.

"Mind your own buisness dude!" Sebastian yelled. My view was cleared and I saw that it was Justin. Pain ran through my ass as weird as that sounded it was true.

"She is my buisness!" I couldn't believe he was standing up for my and he just said that.

"Whatever dude. You can have her. She isn't worth it anyway!" He looked back at me in disgust. Like I was the one that was all over him.

"That's where you're wrong. She is worth it." I couldn't believe what he was saying. Why did it get to me?

Sebastian brushed it off like no one said anything and just walked to the locker room like nothing happened. I was about to attempt to get up when Justin rushed over to help.

"You okay?" He asked as he lifted me up.

"Yeah I'm fine thanks. And Justin.......I'm really not worth it but thanks." Before he could say anything I grabbed my things and entered the girls locker room. I finished getting dressed and headed to the pick up area.

There I waited for my ride. A motorcycle pulled up and a male figer handed me my helmet. I hopped on and headed home. Where I could rest and be free of drama.


I woke up and put on a black tee shirt with a v-neck, some black skinny jeans, and a pair of black vans. I arrived at this hell hole. I grabbed my books for first period and just as I shut my locker some strange girl is there.

"May I help you?" Weirded out by the grin on her face. she squealed.

"You're Mindy Conners!! You tried out for track yesterday with me. I can't believe someone could run that fast. Um sorry where are my mannors? I'm Kandy Collins! Nice to meet you!!" She ranted on.

After talking to Kandy she wasn't so bad.

I think I made my first friend in this hell hole. A lot of people find me scary or weird. Most of the guys just see me as a toy they get to play with.


Well I hoped you likked it!!

See you all in the next chapter!!!


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