twenty eight

798 15 2

"What do you think about this one?" I asked, holding up a knee length summery dress.

Simon's eyes instantly lit up, "You'd look beautiful in that; try it on."

I smiled, and walked over to the changing rooms, Simon following me. I pulled the curtain back and stepped inside, seeing that he had come in with me.

"Simon! Did you really think I was going to let you watch me get changed?"

"What!? I've seen you change before, and you're probably going to ask me to pull your zip up anyway." He smirked, winking playfully.

"Oh fine, whatever." I said, rolling my eyes.

I pulled my Panic! At The Disco t-shirt over my head, hanging it on the hook in front of me. I unzipped my black skinny jeans, pulling them down and stepping out of them, also hanging them up. I took the dress off of the other hook and stepped into it, slipping my arms in.

"Simon?" I said quietly,

He quickly zipped up my dress, "See? I told you."

"Okay, okay, you told me," I laughed.

"You look beautiful; I knew you would." Simon said, his hands sliding down from my ribs to my hips.

I blushed, looking up at him, hair falling into my face. Simon instantly tucked it behind my ear. Cliche, but I love it.

"I know you do, love," He whispered into my ear.

"I didn't mean to say that out loud," I giggled lightly


"Not as cute as you, though," I said, standing on my tip toes, my hand cupping Simon's face, making a light blush form on his face. "See? You're blushing and that's cute."

I moved closer to his lips, brushing mine against his, knowing that he hated it when I teased.

"Please kiss me," He muttered, his lips touching mine as he spoke.

"We need to go and pay for this dress," I said, pulling away.

"It can wait," He said, firmly but gently pushing me against the wall of the changing room.

I forgot that Simon was a lot stronger than me.

"It's not very nice to tease people, Immy," He whispered, leaning down to my lips, so they were touching again.

I leaned in further to make them touch completely, but Simon pulled away and walked out of the changing room.

I huffed when I realized that I couldn't unzip my dress without him. I couldn't be bothered to ask so I wriggled around for a while trying to unzip it, until I finally did. I put all of my clothes back on and the dress on the hanger.

I pulled the curtain back, to see Simon standing there, waiting for me.

"Have fun trying to unzip your dress?" He said, smirking.

"Mm, yeah, it was so fun," I sarcastically replied, slipping my hand into his and walking over to the till to pay.


short one today


-sophie, xxxxx :P

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