Mermaid Out of Water (part one)

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There once was a man named Arthur Kirkland, and he was an English pirate! He has been ALL around the world. He was considered the most feared pirate out there. They say, if you get in his way, he would just walk right on over you, but he was nothing like that. He was a very kind man, he just looked angry. He never wanted to scare anyone, and since everyone thought he was mean, he could never find a family. When he was young he was taken away from his village, and family, by pirates. They trained him and taught him how to be a pirate, in hopes for him to be one of them. But one night, when everyone was sleeping, he sneaked out of the ship and into one of the spare row-boats and went to the nearest island.

The sound of rattling swords echoed off the walls of the cave as the pirate walked in. looking left to right, seeing if anyone was present in the cave. Seeing that no one was there, he continued his walk through the cave. Arthur was currently looking for the magical fountain. The fountain flows with the tears of mermaids, and they say that if you drink mermaid tears, you would be indestructible! Arthur didn't think it was safe, he thought it was no good, so he was going to try and destroy it. Arthur KNEW that the fountain spelled trouble.

As Arthur was looking for the fountain, he failed to notice a mermaid peeking out from the small streams of water that lead out of the cave. She had a long (f/c) tail that shimmered in the water with (h/c) hair and (b/c) ***blue color*** eyes that matched the water perfectly. She seemed cautious as she slowly pulled her self over the side of the stream, moving slowly to not alarm the pirate that had no idea that she was there. You could tell that she had encountered many pirates before by the way she acted, moving slowly and quietly.

Arthur continued to walk through the cave, looking every pathway to every hole. Arthur sighed, "Didn't think it would take this long to find a simple fountain..." Arthur said to himself as he ran a hand through his hair. "Well, no one said it was going to be easy, did they?" Said the mermaid. Arthur quickly turned around, shocked to see a girl in one of the small streams. "Who are you, and how did you get here!" Arthur shouted. "My name is (f/n) (l/n), and this is my cave. Now, who are you?" she said raising a brow at the man how seemed like he has seen a sea monster. "I'm Arthur Kirkland, the most feared pirate across the sea." Arthur said as he stepped closer to (f/n). As he got closer he saw the shimmer of her tail, now noticing that she was a mermaid. "It is extremely rude to stare, Mr. Kirkland." She said. "You're a mermaid!" Arthur shouted, once again. "That means you now were the fountain is, yes?" Arthur asked. "Yes I do, but why do you need it?" "To destroy it." Those were the last words the mermaid thought the pirate, or any pirate, would say. "What?" she questioned as she was clearly shocked. "The fountain is dangerous, not only for me but for everyone..." Arthur explained. "Please take me to it..." he begged as he kneeled down to look the girl in the eyes.

The girl looked down nervously, fiddling with her seashell bracelet. "Come." She said simply as she led the pirate to a clearing of a small tunnel under the water. "Why are we here?" he asked as he looked in the water to see his reflection. "Because of this." She said as she jumped out of the water and pulled him in. Arthur opened his eyes surprised by the sudden force that pulled him forward. When he opened his eyes all the way open, he was met by a pair of hands. He looked up to see the mermaid stretching her hands out for him to grab. He reached out and grabbed her hands. (y/n) held his hand tight as she started to swim downwards, towards the underwater tunnel.

The girl took him through various paths, and when he was almost out of air she brought him to a clearing. Quickly bringing him to the surface of the water, he poked his head out quickly and gasped. When he caught his breath, he lost it once again at the breath-taking sight of the beautiful cave. In the center of the cave was a gorgeous water fountain that somehow spilling endless amount of water. "Here is the founta-", she was cut off by Arthur quickly getting out of the water, pulling out his sword at the same time, and slash the fountain. Somehow, the sword was sharp enough to cut right through the fountain, slicing it right in half, stopping the water that flowed through it.

The mermaid just stayed there. Staring at the pirate shocked that he actually destroyed the fountain, and didn't just use that as an excuse to get to the fountain. "You-you did it!" she said so shock that she couldn't form more than those words. He turned around, and he saw the shocked but happy face of the mermaid, and couldn't help but smile as he walked back toward "T-thank you!" she said smiling wider and jumped out of the water to hug him. He quickly hugged her back to make sure she didn't fall. "It was my pleasure!" he said smiling sweetly at her.

After that, she led him out of the cave to where it opened up to reveal the dark sky that, despite the fact that there was no stars or lights in sight, shined brightly in the water before them. "I can't Thank you enough for what you did! How can I ever repay you?" she asked looking up at the pirate. "There is no need to repay me. You have done enough already!" he said smiling down at her once again. As he was about to leave the mermaid to head back to his ship and back out to sea, she called out his name. As he turned around he saw that she had was out of the water, walking to him on legs he never thought she had. "I have decided on how I will repay you! I will help you out in the sea. Raise the sails, make food, anything you need!" she said with a glimmer in her eyes. He looked at her shocked at first but that look soon turned into a playful smirk as he stretched out his hand to her. She smirked back as she grabbed his hand, and he led her back to his ship. From there on, they were never seen without the other. Always by each other's side and they lived happily ever after.


Mermaid Out of Water (Pirate!England x Mermaid!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now