Monster Hunters MSA Students

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Shirudo MidoriAbility: ShieldWeapon: Turtle ShieldPersonality: Slow, scared, sillyFave foods: Aojiru, Sashimi, and tonkatsuAge: 14About him: Shirudo is slow in ever way  possible

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Shirudo Midori
Ability: Shield
Weapon: Turtle Shield
Personality: Slow, scared, silly
Fave foods: Aojiru, Sashimi, and tonkatsu
Age: 14
About him: Shirudo is slow in ever way  possible. Mentally, physically, emotionally, and even in his speech and expression. He gets really fast when engaging in a battle.
Height: 5,3

Keihi KuroAbility: ChiWeapon: Panda StaffPersonality: Tough, friendly, enjoys working togetherFave foods: Bamboo, sushi, fishAge: 13About her: Keihi is a student at the MSA

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Keihi Kuro
Ability: Chi
Weapon: Panda Staff
Personality: Tough, friendly, enjoys working together
Fave foods: Bamboo, sushi, fish
Age: 13
About her: Keihi is a student at the MSA. She works with her group of friends. She wants to see the world.
Height: 5,3

Umo RubireddoAbility: FeathersWeapon: Robin ScythePersonality: Quiet, strong, leader, seriousFave foods: Sunflower seeds, rice, ramen, and YuzuAge: 15About her: Umo has seen things that people don't want to see

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Umo Rubireddo
Ability: Feathers
Weapon: Robin Scythe
Personality: Quiet, strong, leader, serious
Fave foods: Sunflower seeds, rice, ramen, and Yuzu
Age: 15
About her: Umo has seen things that people don't want to see. She is a student at the MSA.
Height: 5,8

Enerugi Takkuso(En-er-oogi) Ability: EnergyWeapon: his suitPersonality: helpful, strong, happyFave foods: sushi and teaAge: 17About him: Enerugi has eight brothers that have all joined a cult

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Enerugi Takkuso(En-er-oogi)
Ability: Energy
Weapon: his suit
Personality: helpful, strong, happy
Fave foods: sushi and tea
Age: 17
About him: Enerugi has eight brothers that have all joined a cult. Enerugi is the only proper one and the only one to join the MSA.
Height: 6,2

Ugh, I have a whole nother bunch of characters to draw.


I am not only doing this for Monster Hunters. Also Beasts of Elymphia and The Haunting...

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