Heavens Gate

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Heavens gate from Monster Slayers

Name: Jobab ErebusAbility: noneWeapon: Ten demon keysPersonality: noneFave food: noneAge: 28About him: He would sacrifice himself for the black dragonHeight: 6'0

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Name: Jobab Erebus
Ability: none
Weapon: Ten demon keys
Personality: none
Fave food: none
Age: 28
About him: He would sacrifice himself for the black dragon
Height: 6'0

Name: Ryker ErebusAbility: ThieveryWeapon: Mouse Dagger gunsPersonality: Calm and quiet Fave foods: RamenAge: 14About him: Ryker is poor and homeless, he lived with his father  Jobab in the city of Foruauto

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Name: Ryker Erebus
Ability: Thievery
Weapon: Mouse Dagger guns
Personality: Calm and quiet
Fave foods: Ramen
Age: 14
About him: Ryker is poor and homeless, he lived with his father  Jobab in the city of Foruauto. He would steal food in order to live. His father got obsessed with the dark arts but he followed him down that path cause he still loved him.
Height: 5'4

Name: Kokaku HoneAbility: BonesWeapon: Scorpion bladed bootsPersonality: Creepy, evil, psycopathicFave foods: Blood and bones Age: 27About him: Kokaku has sworn his life to the black dragon since birth

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Name: Kokaku Hone
Ability: Bones
Weapon: Scorpion bladed boots
Personality: Creepy, evil, psycopathic
Fave foods: Blood and bones
Age: 27
About him: Kokaku has sworn his life to the black dragon since birth. The MSA killed his parents when he was younger. Now he wants to help the black dragon get the world he desires.
Height: 5,5

Name: Yandere chanAbility: Easter EggsWeapon: Bloody KatanaPersonality: Loving, murderous, yandereFave food: noneAge: 17About her: Senpai, senpai, senpai, senpai, senpai, senpai, senpai, senpaiHeight: idk

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Name: Yandere chan
Ability: Easter Eggs
Weapon: Bloody Katana
Personality: Loving, murderous, yandere
Fave food: none
Age: 17
About her: Senpai, senpai, senpai, senpai, senpai, senpai, senpai, senpai
Height: idk

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