Chapter 5 : Two Out of Three

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" This is hopeless! " Red Ruby Cat sighed, leaning backwards and falling flat in the grass of a meadow we had found.

" We've looked...," Mega Man started.

" And looked...," Mega Tron added.

" But they just..."

" Aren't..." 

"There!" They said together.

I sighed. Silver Ghost was playing with a butterfly that had landed on her shirt.

"Just give up already!" Krazynight replied, annoyed, "The heroes aren't gonna show. We been sitting here for hours and days, and the eight of us, sitting here, doing nothing but twiddling our thumbs is pointless!"

Just then, there was a cry of pain that echoed through the air, and it sounded very close by. 

" What was that?"  Lilly Panther asked, listening. 

We all stopped and listened. Then, we heard it again.

" HELP!!!" The voice yelled. 

" It's coming from over there!" Silver Ghost said, pointing to our left.

     We Jumped up and rushed through the trees, following the cries until we reached a clearing. There, sitting on the ground, was a tall teenage girl. A young man who looked like he was in his twenty's, was standing beside her. The man saw us approaching and waved his arms frantically. 

"Help! My friend's foot is caught in a trap!" The guy said.

     I ran up to the girl, her eyes filled with tears. A bear trap was snapped shut around her swollen leg. It's teeth digging deeper every time she moved. I studied the trap, then dug into my bag and pulled out a crowbar. I knew it would come in handy one day. I placed it between the teeth of the trap, and pushed down.

" Guys!" I said, " Pull on the other side!"

The other superheroes went to the other side of her and pulled until the trap slowly open, and the young man pulled the girl's leg out. Then we let the trap snap shut again with a 'clank!'

"Thank you," The man said, " I thought she would have to have no leg! You saved her."

I nodded.

"Bad idea to be yelling like that, though," I said, "Lot's of deadly creatures about."

"That's what I said, Dan! You could have gotten us both killed!" The girl replied, trying to get up. 

" Here! Let me help you," Mega Man offered, rushing to her side, and holding her up.

" Come on. This way," The man said, " We've got a tree fort about half a mile from here."

     We all followed him through the trees to a huge tree fort, almost two times bigger than the one we had found. We got inside and put our things down. The two strangers sat on a bamboo bed. We all sat in silence for a moment, not knowing what to say.

"So..." I started, " Your name is Dan... You must be one of lost superheroes." 

"You know about us?" The man asked.

" I take it that's a yes, then?" I asked.

"What's left of them. Guess we aren't very super anymore. Not without our powers," The girl said, " Why? Who are you people?"

" We are superheroes too. Kiggs sent us. We're here to rescue you," Mega Man said.

"Rescue us?" The man asked, "You mean...You can finally get us off of this island?!? We're finally saved!"   

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