Chapter 1: Introductions

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Caitlyn's POV:

"Hey guys what are we doing today? I'm feeling pizza what about you?"

"You know I'm feeling pizza too." Dylan answered.

Hi I'm Caitlyn Macy Katherine Tilden. I'm an only child with just my mom around. My dad left us when I was 7. Right now I'm 17.I have blue eyes and brown hair with natural blonde highlights and tips. I'm a tom-boy. I wear jogging pants, baggy t-shirts and sweaters. And you rarely ever see my hair down. I hate dresses and I haven't wore one since I was young.

I have 3 best friends, and they're all boys. I'm not one for girls. They drive me absolutely insane.

My first best friends name is Dylan Frank Clay. He's 17 years old and an only child. His mom died of cancer when he was 3. That left him and his dad. He has brown hair, brown eyes and he wears glasses.I usually stay the night at his house because my mother abuses me. I met him when I was 2. He was outside his mothers hospital room and I was walking down the hall. We started talking and we've been friends ever since.

My second best friend's name is Samuel Jason Smith. We call him Sam. He is 17 years old, he has blonde hair and blue eyes. His parents are really rich. They are the stuck up kind who flaunt around their money. Sam is usually over at Dylan's with me. He really can't stand his parents. I met Sam when I was 3. I was playing at the park with Dylan and I tripped and Sam helped me up. We have been friends since.

My third best friend's name is Lucas Keith Dole. We call him Luke. He has brown hair and blue eyes. His parents are really nice. Whenever we can't stay at Dyl's we go to his place. Luke's parents aren't even there half the time. His mom is a surgeon and his dad is a business man who's always on the road. They are both home once every month. That's when the 4 of us go to his place and his mom makes us a home cooked meal. We met at Mcdonald's when I was 4 and I introduced him to the guys when we were 5. Everyone has called us the 4 musketeers since.

At this moment the 4 of us were in Sam's car fighting about what to eat.

"Okay would you hurry up before I pick for you" Sam basically yelled at us.

"Fine, fine. Today's my day to pick anyways. I say we go eat pizza. And Sam, HURRY UP!" I yelled back.

"Okay, okay I'm going hold your horses."

"I won't if you don't hurry up." Luke said from the backseat.

When I'm with these guys my head is always jumbled. With what goes on at school I always think I have to think about what I say and it has to be some cool words. At least that's what Katy says.

Katy Lindstrom, she's your average everyday bully. But she's also queen bee.She thinks she's the most important person ever. She has to get her way or she gets mad. She has been at our school since freshman year. she started bullying me sophomore year. I have know idea why she's targeting me. Well part of me thinks it's because shes jealous because I get Dylan, Sam and Luke's attention. And the boys keep telling me that when they find me crying. She always calls me a crybaby. A whore, just because I hang around with 3 guys. She drives me nuts.

I have thought about suicide but, the boys can read me like an open book. That's what I like about them. They are the only people who can read me. Not even my parents could ever read me. That and my dad was barely ever home and my mother paid no attention to me as soon as I turned 9. She started working again then. Only so she could have money for drugs and beer.

My mother's name is Madeline Tilden. She is a terrible mother. When my dad left she became a junkie. The boy's are surprised she isn't in jail or dead yet. When I was 11 she would come home drunk every night and beat me. Saying it was my fault dad left us. When in reality, nobody knows why he left us. He just went with a suitcase one day saying he would come back but he never did. I waited by the door countless nights thinking he would.

I knew after about 6 weeks he wasn't coming home whatsoever. I used to go for sleepover's at the boy's house and and cry remembering that he's gone. Sometime's they were even happy tears. What he did to me I'd never forgive him for but he's my dad. And no matter how many times he did it I still forgave him the next day because I had no idea what was happening.

My only fear today is that he'll come back one day and it will all start again. I'm not scared of my mother anymore. She's hit, punched, kicked and pushed me to many times for me to be scared. But sometime's I just cry myself thinking she's eventually going to injure me so bad I'm not going to be able to play sports ever again.And yes, I know what you're thinking. "Caitlyn why don't you go to the police or tell anyone about it." My answer, simply because she threatened that when she got out of prison she'd kill me. So I just simply cover the bruises with makeup. And the cuts I cover with clothes, long sleeve everything.

"Caitlyn. Caitlyn. CAITLYN."


"You zoned out. We're here.

"Thanks Dyl.

So far my life is good. When I'm not around queen bee or the old hag I call mom.

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