Chapter Eight

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Bang bang bang!

"What?" I mumble and start to wake up. Shaking my head to wipe away the sleep, I go to the door.

Bang bang bang!

"Shit I'm coming calm yourself!" I yell and look at the clock. It's 5am. Opening the door a bit I almost close it again.

It's Harry.

"What do you want?" I growl at him.

"Where did you go?" He asks me instead of answering my question.

"I left."


"The contract is basically over so I needed to get an apartment."


"Um," I think of a quick lie "it was really cheap but only if I got it now so I got it now so it would be cheaper." I say and hope he believes me.

"Your a bitch." He says and starts to walk away.

Dafuq? "Excuse me?" I almost scream at him. And I would've except my new neighbors wouldn't appreciate it.

"Your a bitch." He says simply and smirks.

"And why is that?" I ask him whilst my blood level goes to a new high.

"Because. You left with a note! Who does that to their boyfriend?" He yells right back at me. "I went searching for you and I went to the gym and I had to find from a guy your new address! And then I come home TO OUR APARTMENT and you LEFT with just a NOTE! Who does that to their boyfriend?!"

I'm flabbergasted. Boyfriend? " your not my boyfriend! And I think some girl was going to meet you last night! Go to her! She will actually appreciate your presence!" I scream and hope my neighbors don't wake up.

"I didn't go because I was in a relationship!" He says.

"Well it's fake. You can go meet her and then dump her like you did to Morgan." I say coldly and shut the door.

But right before it's closed all the way I hear, "so glad I'm done with you. Hate bitches."

My breath hitches and I slam the door. I really hate my life. I turn around an slip on something,banging my head on the wooden floor.

It's the envelope with red print.

Instead of opening it, I throw it across the room and run into my room, diving onto my bed, awaiting sleep.








But sleep won't come. It's 6:30am and Harry's words are ringing in my head over and over like an incessant beating. "So glad I'm done with you. Hate bitches."

Am I really a bitch? I don't know. Sure I left, but I was hurt. He called me a piece in his games for Pete's sake!

"And you lied to him." My subconscious tells me.

"How? How did I freaking lie to Harry stinking Styles?" I fire back. Great I'm talking to myself now.

"About how you feel for him." I literally can feel my subconscious smirking at me.

"What do you mean?" I ask myself. Oh god. I'm asking myself a question and I am expecting an answer. I need help.

"You. Love. Him." My subconscious says and crossed her snarky little arms.

"What? No I don't." I reply and wait for some snide remark from my subconscious who I dubbed Stella.

It doesn't come. Instead "don't lie to yourself. I am you. I know your feelings. There my feelings too. And you love him." Crosses from Stella's lips to my pounding head.

Oh god. Stella is right. I only pushed Harry away because I was afraid of losing him when our contract is over.

I can't believe.

I'm in love with Harry Styles.


I am so incredibly incredibly incredibly incredibly incredibly times 1000000000000000000 sorry for not updating! I feel so horrible about it.

I was camping then I was busy catching up for school then I was lazy today and I feel so horrible I'm so sorry! Please please please forgive me! In also so sorry it's short it's just late hear and I have math first period (ugh Monday)I will try to update again wednesday but I write as I go so no promises. Please click the vote button! I have almost 300 read and 30 voted I'm so excited but it's a small voting percentage so please just click it! It means the world to me in this tall bad parent part of life that I am in. Ilyasm and I'm so sorry for not updating for like 2 weeks! Wow long authors note sorry! I'm going to Bed so night!


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