Chapter :10

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Kerin's POV

When the girls are done with me I walk over to the mirror as steady as I can in the kitten heels they put me in, when I get to the mirror my eyes grow 3x their size.

It was a two piece, a bra link top with jewel connecting in the center to the necklace, the connection going down over my belly button to the skirt, leaving to sides of my stomach exposed, making a jeweled belt in the flowing skirt covered in white tool, with little diamonds scattered down to the floor and leading down the trail, my vail connected the crown head piece similar to a tiara, the vail was a long as the trail with the same diamonds scattered like the skirt.

My breath hitched when I saw the make up they put on me, my eyebrows were plucked and arched and my face was glowing with highlighting silver glitter, for eyeshadow it was soft purple and white with thin black liner making my eyelashes and the fake ones blend, for my lips I just had soft pink lip stick with a gloss! and finally they stuck little diamonds to the sides of my eyes, down to the apples of my soft rosy cheeks and in the middle of my forehead leading up to my hair line.

Looking closer in the mirror I noticed they pierced my nose with a snowflake stud with a silver chain connecting to a diamond stud in my ear. I like it but if my mom ever saw I had a nose piercing she'd flip!

"You grace.." I turn around fast causing my dress to twirl, making the light reflect off the diamonds creating a light show on the walls.

"You look.... Magical..." The girls sighed, I saw one with tears in her eyes, I swiftly walk over, the heals clicking on the marble floor is the only sound in the room, the girls part like a soft pink and White Sea except the one, bringing my manicured hand up to her face I wipe her tears away and kiss her cheek.

All the girls, even shade gasp at my action but I feel if I'm going to rule, my subjects should not fear me like they do abandon.

"Thank you.." She smiles into my hand, taking it in hers we walk to the white door I assume the ceremony is on the other side.

Taking a deep breath I look back to everyone and mouth thank you, nodding they look ahead when the doors open,showing A LOT of people, holding my breath we slowly walk towards the alter to the soft music of the choir.

When I get to the alter I see abandon, he's so handsome, I can't believe this is happening, It starts to get hard to breath but it becomes easier when his large hand intertwine with my small ones, I look up to see him smiling at me softly as the music stops and the priest start to speak.

"I welcome you all, we are gathered here today to celebrate our king finding his mate and creating a bond that can not be broken, not even with death, with this belt-" two men walk up and rap a silver chain with smaller chains hanging off with diamonds, black red and white on the ends around us as our hands are still intertwined." We form the bond, and with these words, we seal it."

"Will you please repeat after me, my king." The priest looked up to abandon and nods, abandon repeats the words the priest gives him.

"I abandon, ruler of the condemned take my mate and create this bond, I promise to protect and love, praise and cherish, to teach and be tough, to be cared for and care for, to be by your side in even the most hard times,for the rest of our rule and time. To spill blood for my mate, my life, my world and stars, my sun and moon, my air and my kingdom, to fight in life and death for your happiness and safty, with this I swear by my whole kingdom as my witness this promise will not be broken." Abandon said this with out breaking his gaze from mine, it felt like he wrote that just for me, feeling something on my face I reach up with my free hand and feel wetness, was I crying? I didn't notice as abandon was speaking but I now know why, with the beautiful words, soft violins in the back, I found a man to actually care for me. This wasn't supposed to happen, I think I'm falling in love with Abandon.

"I Kerin, human of earth take my mate and create this bond, I promise to protect and love, praise and cherish, to teach and be tough, to be cared for and care for, to be by your side in even the most hard times,for the rest of our rule and time. To spill blood for my mate, my life, my world and stars, my sun and moon, my air and my kingdom, to fight in life and death for your happiness and safty, with this I swear by the whole kingdom as my witness this promise will not be broken" I didn't even know where that came from, the priest didn't even get to speak before I recited the oath, sheepishly I look up to see abandon smiling at me causing me to softly smile.

"Now that the bond I'd formed and sealed, let us lock it with a kiss." the priest smiled at us, I look to abandon, he was leaning in slowly, time seamed to stop, feeling like we were the only ones their I close my eyes and whisper before he takes my lips, my soul, my life and creates them all a new.

"I love you Abandon"

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