Chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning and Rain's arms were wrapped around me. I slowly got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. My shower was at least 20 minutes. I got out brushed my teeth and headed back to my room to find my clothes.

I threw on my bleach stained jeans, my black Nike sweater, and my black fruity pebble foams. After I got ready I made sure Rain was up and ready. She had just finished her shower down the hall. Rain had on her true religion jeans, her red shirt, and her all red Jordan's. My baby was looking fine.

"Good morning bae." I said to Rain as I kissed her cheek. "Good morning but which car are we taking today?" She asked. "Uh we can take your range truck." I responded. "Ight kool." She walked out of the room. I made sure everything was straight before leaving my room.

I walked into King's room and he was stretched out. I went over to his curtains and opened them up letting in all of the sunlight
shine. "King get yo ass up." He groaned. "Man Q you play to damn much I'll be up in a minute." He put the cover over his head.

"Well do you at least need a ride to school?" I asked getting ready to leave out. "Naw I'm good I go get my shit out the shop today though." "Ok cool." I left his room to find Rain.

Rain was in the kitchen making some breakfast. I smile I love when she cooks for me. I walked up behind her and grabbed her breast. She turned around and smiled down at me. She knows I'm the only one who can and does that to her.

We sat down said our grace and began eating. King came walking into the kitchen with nothing but his boxers and socks. "I wish you go and throw some clothes on your body." I said chuckling. "Girl last time I checked this is my mother fucking house if you don't like it then bounce." He laughed at the end.

"Whatever but you better be at school today." I told him as he walked back to his room.

After we finished breakfast we were on our way to school. Within 15 minutes we were at school. I turned to Rain and told her give me a kiss, she did as told and we both hopped out of the car. "I'll see you at lunch bae." Rain told me then we went our separate ways.

I walked into first period and everybody was on their phones like usual. I took my seat and pulled out my phone. "Hey there beautiful." I looked up and saw Chris standing over me. I smiled. "Hey handsome." I responded back. He took a seat beside me.

"Your lips are so soft" I said looking at him but loud enough for him to hear. He began smirking. "Yours are too" he winked. I blushed and turned my head. The teacher began her lesson so I opened up my book ready to get today's lesson.


Lunch was finally here and I was in the the cafeteria with Stacey. I was looking for Rain in the crowd but she was nowhere to be found. Mark, King , Corey , Chris and the rest of the gang started fulling up the table but no Rain. I got a little concerned.

"Hey guys has anyone seen Rain?" Everyone said no and not since last period. I decided to go and look for her. I made it into the hallway where I heard yelling. I followed the sound and spotted Rain taking to some Spanish chick. I sat there for a minute to see what all the fuss was about.

"I can't do this anymore Nya I love Queen." "You wasn't saying that these last few weeks telling me I'm what you need." She yelled at Rain. Anger began building up inside me. "Shh keep it down." Rain calmly said.

"No it's okay I think I heard enough." I began walking over there. "So this is why you couldn't spend late nights or be with me like you used to because of her." I smacked her. "And you so damn lucky I'm doing the mature thing here and not beating yo ass.... Matter fact" I punched her in her shit.

"Baby I can explain" Rain sat there holding her face. "Explain what Rain." I chuckled then continued. "That you have been lying to me for lord knows how long when I been good to you then turn around and tell her that I'm the one you want what if I wasn't she would have been your choice." I looked at her with tears in my eyes.

"Queen please I-gco. "I don't wanna hear it" I put my hand up and walked off. I was so hurt the things with Chris was nothing compared to this every time I would tell him I love her but just that one time I actually wanted him. He didn't do it on the sake of her because he knew I loved her.

I took the back exits to get outta the school I just couldn't be there at the moment. I walked to a nearby park and sat on the swings thinking about the events from today. I look down at my right fist because it was killing me. I shook it off and looked at the time it was only 2:25 and we don't get until 2:40.

I sighed and began swinging as the tears flowed down my cheeks.


After twenty minutes of swinging I finally realized it was 2:45. I decided to call Stace. "Hello" I said as soon as she answered. "Queen where the fuck are you me, your brother, and the gang are looking for you." I sniffed. "I'm at a park four blocks from the school" I told her. "Q have you been crying." Her voice softened. "Yeah I'll tell you everything when you come... And come alone." "Okay" she hung up.

Five minutes later she was here. I ran over to her car and hopped in. I looked at her and busted out crying. "She was cheating" I started and Stace eyes got big. "When I went to look for her at lunch she was talking to Nya the Spanish chick telling her how she couldn't do this anymore and she loves me. The girl was yelling and she told her to hush but I came out saying I heard enough. "

"I slapped Rain and punched her ass. Rain tried to explain but I didn't give her the time of day. I took the back exits to leave school and came here." Stacey gave me a hug. "Omg bestie your going to be okay... Matter fact lets go beat this bitch ass right now." She started her car.

"Wait.... That's not the end I have a part too she doesn't know about no one does." I told her and her face was filled with confusion. "I've been messing around with Chris." "What then what are you crying for?" She asked. "No Stace it's not like that he would kiss me when we're alone and the last time we were almost at that point but he stopped he knew I love Rain and he couldn't do it."

"He says when I'm ready to come his way and I said I would." "Wow but bestie if every time was just a little kiss and y'all didn't do it on the sake of Rain then you didn't cheat best friend." "Are you sure" I asked her." She began to drive. "I wouldn't tell you anything wrong."

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