Story 2

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Once upon a time, there was a raccoon. This raccoon loved peanut butter. Idk why, he just did. He lived in a town where the people liked peanut butter, but we're never able to finish their jars because there was a water shortage, and the people needed water in order to finish their peanut butter. The raccoon was very happy because he had hundreds of jars of unfinished peanut butter. He walked over to his television set, sat down on his couch, and grabbed an unfinished jar of peanut butter to eat. He ate the peanut butter by the handful, but because of the water shortage, he couldn't wash his hands, so by the time he finished the peanut butter, his hands were big balls of peanut butter. However, this raccoon had a wonderful amazing secret: He had wonderful amazing water powers. Because of these wonderful amazing water powers, he secretly filled all the water tanks for the people who we're affected by the water shortage. Raccoon didn't know that all the water tanks had holes in them, so all the water leaked out. The next morning, all of the villagers came to his house for a party, and he asked if they were happy that they got the water back, and they said, "Wait what? We didn't get any water?" Then, a strange animal emerged from the crowd. He was the town crazy animal. He said, "I have been keeping a secret from you guys. I have magic hole fixing powers. The water tanks have holes in them. Do you want me to fix them?" "Yes," The villagers answered. The moose with the magic hole fixing powers fixed all the holes in the water tanks using his magic hole fixing powers. The raccoon said to the moose, "Would you like to team up, as a team, and do teamwork stuff with me?" The moose replied, "Yes." So the lived happily ever after fixing and filling the water tanks, and were paid with peanut butter, until they died. The end.


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