••Chapter 9••

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••Chapter 9••

~Allie's POV~

"I don't know Allie but I'm serious when I say that I think I was boob raped!" Skye yelled as she used her hands to help explain the story of what happened in the nursing station.

"Well that is not something you hear everyday. But what about you and Captain? I saw the way you looked at him. You can get close or you might open up to him," I spoke to her as we walked home.

We decided we had done enough to the driver for one day so we just walked.

"I know! But it is so hard! You know I can't resist a face like that," she spoke.

"I know, I know. Just please be careful and try not to open up to him," I spoke hoping she understood what I meant.

I knew this wasn't a good idea, I'm gonna have to keep an eye on her, I won't let her get hurt.

That's how I live everyday of my life, why I have always taught her to live by the rules, I hate seeing her hurt, it kills me probably more than her.

We turned a corner, Skye still looking a bit sorry for herself, so I tried to cheer her up a bit.

"So how's about when we get back, we have a girls night in, watch films, talk boys," I nudged her in ribs gently, "eat food...?"

I literally watched her face light up at the mention of food.

"Yeah! As long as we have candy and popcorn, and fizzy drinks ooooooohhhh and don't forget ice cream!!" She gushed, clearly over-excited about her food.

"Yea-" I paused as I looked up in horror.


"What?" Skye asked looking at me, before turning her attention to the ashes and rubble where our house once was.

She gasped out before sprinting towards where the burnt mess was, bending down in the debris. Tears streamed down her face, me too shocked to even move from the place my feet were standing.

Skye's hands frantically searched under remaining bricks for something.

Oh god no...

I rushed over to her wrapping her shaking frame in my arms before squeezing her tightly against me.

"I-It's gone... They're gone Allie..." She cried, me cooing to her.

"H-How c-could this happen?"she sobbed against my shoulder, me shaking my head, but really I knew exactly why...

And it's all my fault Skye's lost the last thing she had of her family...


I shakily dialed in Simon's as Skye cried quietly, hugging her knees.


I sighed a shaky breath edits opening my mouth to speak, "S-Simon... Skye and I...... Our house burnt down," I spoke now crying my eyes out. There was no sound coming from the other line. Either he was think or he just chose to ignore me.

"I suppose, I can get the boys to let you stay with them until you can get a new home," Simon spoke. I never thought I would be so happy to hear any words come from his mouth. I nodded my head,"thanks a lot Simon it means so much."

I ended the call and walked over to Skye. She still sat there hugging her knees as she cried. "It's all gone. We've lost our house, everything! The last t-thing I h-had of m-my

f-amily is, gone," she spoke almost choking on her tears.

Skye looked up at me her I eyes red and puffy from crying. This made my heart break even more. How was I going to tell her I was the cause of this fire? I chose that it wasn't the right time to tell her that so I just tried to comfort her and tell her that everything will be alright.

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