Chapter 1

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Picture of Kate on the side,  with the matching outfit!


"Beep, Beep, Beep"

"Ugh" I turn onto my right side, and lazily turn off my alarm clock. Another lame day of school. Another 7 hours of hell. Oh boy. I lay there for about 5 or so more minutes until I actually decide to get up. I trudge, dragging my feet, to the bathroom across the hall. Gosh, I hate having to wake up at 5:30 am every day. Why couldn't school start at 9 am, or 10? No, it has to be frickin' 7. In the morning. Gag. I grab my toothbrush. With it's faded forest green on the sides and practically half of the bristles missing. Yet another thing terrible with my life, my parents don't bother to buy new toothbrushes. It's not like we're poor or anything! But no, one toothbrush is fine! I roll my eyes. Why did life have to suck so much? I carefully put the fresh mint toothpaste on the, or what's left of the, bristles. I brush my teeth. The top teeth. Spit. The bottom teeth. Spit. Wash the toothbrush. Rinse my mouth. I dry off the toothbrush with the towel. Who air drys it these days? Seriously, everyone is too lazy to shake the toothbrush over, and over, and over again to get it to dry.

I leave the bathroom and trudge all the way back to my room. My purple polka dot covered room. Why did I have to choose that of all things when I was little? I open up my closet.

"Hmm? What should I wear today?" I stand there for like, 5 or whatever minutes trying to figure out what to wear. When I finally make up my mind, I go with a black t-shirt, a light blue jean jacket, and deep red skinny jeans. Then I go back into the bathroom to put on my makeup and etc. I decide to just put my brown hair in a high ponytail. Easy enough. I would like to say my hair is a light chocolate color, but it's probably more of a deep burgundy color. Who cares about hair color though, right? Anyways, after I finally get my hair the way I want it, I move on to my makeup. I decide with a light red eyeshadow. It goes with my jeans, and I just love how the color makes my extremely light green eyes pop. I do the other necessities, baked blush, light pink lipstick, and some mascara.

After finishing I head back out into the hallway. Except this time, I head all the way down the blue-walled hall to the stairs. I head down and across the tan wood-flooring to the fridge. I pull out the orange juice and I pour myself a glass. I head across the kitchen and place it on the oak table. I head back and open up the cabinet right to the fridge and I pull out the cocoa puffs. I pour myself a bowl, and go back to the table. I pull out the chair and it makes a large sqeaking sound. I feel my muscles tense up. Gosh, I hate sqeaking sounds. They are so annoying. I just can't stand them. I drink my juice, and I start to eat my cereal. I was about halfway done, when I decided to check the clock on the oven right to the fridge. 6:47 am.

SHOOT! I'm going to be late! I rinse my dishes and I practically dash to the living room and I grab my black backpack and dash out the door. I run as fast as I could to get to school. Dangit! I'm so stupid! I was supposed to leave at 6:30! I reach the school, too distracted in my haze to notice my arrival.

I check my watch. 6:58. CRAP! Two minutes! Dang it! Why did my first class have to be across the school!? I run through the halls, there was only a few people left out in the halls! Oh no, this can't be good. I've already have had way too many tardies this term. I can't afford to have another detention! Almost there! I run past class, after class. Oh come on, so close.... I dash through the door of my class.


Hey! Inf3rno here! How do you like it so far? Well I hope you liked it! Well... I mean... If you did... SHUCKS! Why not comment or vote that you want the second part? I mean, if you liked it... You'd want the second part... The only way I know you want the next part is if you comment/vote telling me! So go on, comment or vote away!

Also, I know this isn't really horror yet. You're just going to have to comment some more to get to scary parts!

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