Chapter 4

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Kate's POV

I walk incredibly fast, faster than usual to get home faster. Mom seemed really worried on the phone and even went to "measures" as to hang up on me. Hopefully nothing has gone wrong... I'm about 4 minutes from home and I hope I can make it in time in the case that someone broke in or something. I honestly don't know, the best I can do right now is hope and not jump to conclusions.

I rush past other people walking home from school who were ahead of me, obviously not in as much of a rush as I am. I accidentally bump into a few as well, but yell a quick apology before hurrying along. I see kids who have already gotten home from school already, and some even smaller kids who haven't gotten into school yet playing in their yards, full of joy and very entertained. A few look up at me with curious looks on their faces for a few moments but then go back to their siblings, friends, parents, and/or toys. No one else knows what might be going on right now, not even me, which is why they don't seem to care. Even if they did know what might be going on, they probably still wouldn't care. People are incredibly selfish these days.

I'm about 2 minutes from home now, i've gone from a fast jog to a full on run now. The mystery of the situation is driving me utterly mental, and my patience is long gone from now. I've run completeyly out of energy and I have a side ache but that doesn't stop me from continuing to run. I'm so close now, I can see the house down the street with it's tan walls and small few windows in the front.

Closer, closer, closer! I can see the doorway now... It's slightly ajar! My mom never leaves the door or the garage open, never! This means something is definately wrong... My dad is at work today so this is the perfect chance for someone to break in or... I rush up the porch stairs and reach to pull open the door.


Hey, would you look at that! I ACTUALLY posted a new part! I'm not dead... If anyone cared... But hopefully this is a good enough chapter for you, with a, guess what? CLIFFHANGER!! Muahahahahahahaha! Lol hope you are all having a great day and peace out! 


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