Excited Interviewer

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Narrator P.O.V

Ladybug and Chat Noir just defeated an Akuma.

'' Bye, Bye little butterfly !'' Ladybug said as the white butterfly flew away.

'' Purrfect timing like usual M- lady.'' Chat said

Before they both could say another word they heard

.                                 .                                       .

A fangirl scream.

'' Oh no.'' Ladybug face palmed knowing exactly who was about 38 feet behind them. Chat clung on to Ladybug, as he was startled by the sudden noise.

''LADY NOIR!!!'' Alya screamed as she walked, scratch that RAN towards the surprised duo.

''Oh look, it's that blogger, yay!'' Chat said somehow sarcastically.

Ladybug kicked him in the leg. He whimpered like a cat and somehow Alya took no notice of it. Chat's ring beeped signaling he had only 4 minutes till his transformation wears off.

''I'd love to CHAT but looks like this cat's got to scat.'' He says winking at ladybug as she does her usual eye roll.

He only managed to get two feet away from the girls when Alya asked the following question:

''I totally ship you guy's so are you guys a couple, or you're just hiding it to keep us safe?'' Alya said winking.

Chat froze.

Ladybug P.O.V

Oh crap. I knew this was gonna come from Alya but I thought she'd never actually ask me as in Ladybug... And not only that but LIVE! I was so lost. My mouth wanted to say 'of course not, not now, not ever' but that would not only hurt Chat but all the people of Paris believe or hope we're a couple. Some one's even written a book about that. UGH! (Cough, cough )

I thought I'd finally lost it. I looked back at Chat with a 'please get me out of this' face. Somehow he looked... Neutral, his smile was gone and I couldn't clearly see his face because of his hair. He softly pushed me away from Alya, standing in my original spot.

He picked up his face, and gave a.... really charming face and gave the sincerest reply I have ever heard from him.

'' I'd love if ' Ladynoir 'was a thing but as much to your disappointment, If we were dating, it would uncover our real identities. Plus I'm not sure but Ladybug might have a thing for someone.'' He said keeping a smile through all of it and gave a wink at the camera.

Wait for a second... He just probably put me in the worst spot possible. Great, Now Alya was smirking Chat's  signature Chesire grin. Oh, Jesus, I'm probably gonna spat out anything now.

What will happen next? What's going to be Alya's next question?  What is Ladybug gonna go through? Find out next time, with the narrator!

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