Day 3

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The next day I had to try as hard as I could to contain my excitement. This is going to make me sound like a terrible person, but I could not wait to beat Jack at martial arts. Unfortunately, because of my excitement, every time I saw Jack that morning I smiled. Which I'm pretty sure he read as something different.

I took my seat in my English class and waited for class to start, which was going to be a while since for some reason I decided to show up half an hour early. My eyes searched the room for something, anything that would hold my attention while I waited. About five minutes later I saw it. Jade flew into the room and back to my seat. Oh boy. She started talking immediately barely taking breathes between her words.

"We need to trade protectees. It's an emergency." I stared at her with concern.

"You know the rules Jade. No swapping or dropping. Why what's wrong?" She started tapping her fingers rapidly on my desk, a sign that this was stressing her out and suddenly I knew what it was about.

"This is about you and Trevor isn't it?" A smile was already growing on my face. Her eyes widened at the fact that I had guessed her dilemma, but then she seemed to remember who I was so she started speed talking.

"Jessica likes him, but I like him too. And he likes me, not Jessica. Well, now if I want to be able to stay on the cheer squad, dance team, etc. I have to break up with Trevor. But I don't want to do that at all. But she is basically forcing me to. But I want Trevor so badly." I raised an eyebrow.

"Just like Andrew?" She visibly flinched.

"Trevor is different."

"You said that about Roy, and AJ, and Will, and..."

"Ok, ok, I get it. You can stop now. I don't know, it's just Trevor sees me. Not all of my different personalities, but he's helping me find who I really am." She had started staring at the wall behind me. Ok, I am not a hopeless romantic like a lot of the girls I have met throughout the years, but I do like to see my friend happy, and I have noticed a change in her recently since she had started dating Trevor, which was yesterday, but still. So, I couldn't help but feel bad for Jade.

"Then don't break up with him." She looked at me annoyed.

"Did you not hear what I just said? I have to. You know the rules. The mission comes first. So I need to stay on the dance team and cheer squad." I looked around the room to find that the room was still empty, then I looked straight into her green eyes.

"Don't break up with him. I'll deal with this. Trust me." She looked at me concerned.

"Last time you said trust me, a man died." She paused to consider the circumstances. "Ok, I'm in." I nodded and then leaned back to find Jack taking his seat next to me. He met my eyes and then glanced at Jade and then looked back at me. He smiled.

"Is there some type of conspiracy going on here?" Jade faked a laugh, trying to erase the idea from his head, I had other plans though. I turned into my chair to better face him.

"Actually yes." Jade looked horrified. She grabbed my shirt and turned me back towards her.

"What are you doing?" She said in a harsh whisper. She pointed at Jack. "That's Trevor's roommate." I grinned a mischievous grin when I learned this new information. Jade didn't like the look I was giving her.

"What are you up to?" She said almost scared for the answer. I simply ignored her question and turned to face Jack.

"How would you like to be a part of a conspiracy?" Jade's face went white. Jack laughed and smiled.

"You mean, like be a secret agent? Cause you know how much I would love to a secret agent." I smiled wider. Jade only became paler.

"Silver what are you doing?" She dropped the whisper and shouted at me. I held my finger up to my lips but kept my smile.

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