"13, time to go home see you tomorrow at five." Doomsday said leaving the room.
"Uggh my life is about to get vary...."
"Hey who the hell do you think you are?"
"O your that Crow guy."
"You disrespectful brat!" Said wial lunging forward.
I quickly jumped up and dodged out of the way. He hit the wall on the other side.
"You got lucky this time but next time I'm not going so easy on you." He said walking out of the room.
"What the hell is up with him?" I said puzzled. Quickly changeing out of the shorts I opened the door and began to head out.
As I was walking I felt hands come around my waist. I dropped down and and twist on my back to notice it's a girl. I grabbed her arm and pulled her down so she wouldn't fly across the room and after I knew it she was on top of me.
"Are you ok?" I said concerned
"Your reflexes are incredible you know. I could have been way over there if you wouldn't have caught me." She said while she pointed over at the wall. "But yes I'm ok." She finished as she rested her head on my chest.
"Hey what are you doing." I said pushing on her shoulders
"Nevermind me. what are you doing not in your fighting cloths? You have a death match with Cross." She said.
"But Doomsday said..." I said before I was cut off.
Now introducing the king of speed Cross.
" Crap I got to run." I said getting up and heading to the changeing room.
"Wait!" She said
She jumped up and kissed me. "Be careful." She said pushing me in the room and closing the door.
I quickly changed and when I put on my last glove the announcer boomed. Now introducing the newcomer that beat the undefeated crow. 13!
I walked out with my hood of my black sweater up. I looked down at the beginning then looked up to see a guy in white shorts. He was sitting. I got in the ring and stud there. This is a death match so nobody leaves the cage till one of the opponents are dead. Now 13 has 0 kills. Cross has 3. Ready... FIGHT!
He got up quickly and lunged and missed. I went for his arm but he moved to quickly. He swooped his lag and cought mine. Landing on my back. He went to punch me in the face but I moved and he hit dirt. I rapped my arm around his and pulled up. It snapped and I herd a scream. Then he got off. He stud up with a limp arm. I stood up and rose my hood up again. He lunged but much slower. I spun around and hit him with my elbow in the back of his neck brakeing it. Then I stopped. The announcer looked at Cross and announcet. The winner is 13!
I dident kill him I just nocked him out. Dumbasses. I thought.
Actionin the deepest part of Detroit a 13 year old boy stumbles on a staircase, and before he new it. It was too late. Based on a true story of my life. Enjoy :)