Its time!!!

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Lauren's POV
So when I woke up I made 2 pancakes for me and 3 pancakes for Alex. When I was eating I felt the baby kicking and I told Alex
Alex POV
I woke up to 3 pancakes for breakfast and Lauren said her water broke! I was so exited that I picked her up and put her in the van. When we were on the way I called the hospital to reserve a hospital room for Lauren. This is my first child so I'm so exited.
Lauren's POV
So when we got there I was breathing so hard and Alex put me in a wheel chair.
They took me inside the hospital room and they cut my penis open and they said push and I was bleeding so much that they couldn't see the baby. Mr.Aren said he saw the babies head and he told me it was a boy. Alex told me we should name him Alex jr.
Alex POV
So when the baby was coming I waited and the doctor told me to come out and see the baby. We named him Alex jr and he was so cute and had my look. Then I saw Andrew and Arron and my mom and all Lauren's mom and dad. They graduated Lauren and they said we wish you the best luck. I could tell that Arron missed Sarah as much as she missed him.
Lauren's POV
So I saw all our families in my room. They all had encourage letters and flowers. Andrew was so sweet and Arron was crying because he missed Sarah, I felt so mad for him so I gave him a hug. I told him to hold Alex and it was so cute. My stomach hurt really bad but something that caught my eyes is I saw Baz! I saw his girlish hair and his hat. He had a black shirt and it said  player* on it. I knew something  was going on. Alex was holding Alex Jr. I told Alex that i need to shit so I went to the bathroom
Alex POV
When Arron held Alex jr. I took a picture but I felt bad for my bro. Lauren told me she saw bazstard and I totally freaked! She told me she had to shit so she went. Alex started to cry and I didn't know what to do so I was rocking him and he calmed down.

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