Chapter 2

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12 hours had past since Jessie had been taken, I felt like shit. My heart has been broken and I don't think i could cry anymore. The police had made my house into crime lab and this hotel room was driving me nuts. Watching the BBC news, i Knew it was bad, all the camera's were outside my house filming and all these "Jessie J has been taken" headlines was doing my head in. I decided to go on twitter and I was honoured by all of Jessie's heartbeats tweeting me saying, 
"It's going to be ok Abby, Jessie will come home"

"Jessie will be back Abby, she's a fighter"

I loved Jessie's heartbeats, they were so supportive and sweet. Also Jessie's parents had arrived and they were both in shock, they couldn't believe that their baby had gone and not know anything else, The worst part of it is not knowing if she's dead or alive. 

Me, Rose and Steve were escorted from the hotel to the FBI lab for further questioning about the note and what was going to happen.Leaving the hotel, hundreds of news reporters and Heartbeats were shouting and telling us everything was going to be ok, I hated getting attention, but this was the only way. 

"We have to be very secretive within this whole mission, we cannot let it get out of control, or we the worst is going to happen, we have ordered 10 top undercover agents to be on that train this Friday with a bag containing £100,000, if this mission runs smoothly, Jessie will be back safe and sound" The FBI man said

"But what if it goes tits up and they know who we are" Steve said

"Sir, we are specially trained agents, my men know what their doing, we promise you everything is going to be ok" He replied

After the meeting, we were escorted back to the hotel were we later found another note which was under my door with a dvd attached to it.

I put it in the DVD player and me, steve, rose and other coppers and a FBI agent watched it,

Jessie came onto the screen, tied to a chair, with only her bra and pants on, she had been beaten up badly and looked very dehydrated, she looked like a slave

"Abby, I love you, please do what they say, put £100,000 in a black bag and put it on the train this friday, if you don't they will continue beating me and then they will kill me. I love you"

Tears poured all of our faces, Jessie looked awful, she said it with fear in her voice and and her mascara had flooded down her face, I just wanted to hug her tight and tell her everything is going to be ok.

After that, the FBI took the disc and went to check the CCTV camera's in the hotel, but the camera's had been switched off the whole time so they had nothing.

Friday had to come soon, I missed my babe

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