Should I? - Chapter Two.

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*Lily's POV*

We finally arrived at the golfing center, and there were loads of paparazzi around us and a couple of screaming fans. Niall grabs my hand, and I hear someone shout to Niall.


"NO THIS IS MY SISTER YOU PERVERTED FREAK!" I was shocked with what Niall had to say but he is 2 years older than me and he is MY BROTHER! But like with Harry he's only a year older than me. That's not harmful at all. We got our clubs and started playing. I missed about 3 times until I felt some warm hands placed on my hips. I looked up and saw Harry there.

"Now what you have to do is..."

I trailed off and sunk into his deeps misty green orbs, I was quickly snapped out of focus when I heard Harrys' voice again.

"So have you got it?" I says looking into my eyes.

"Sorry, you'll have to help me, I'm no good at golf." I smile and turn red

I held the club and he placed his hands on top of mine. We swung back and hit it. It went really far. I was so pleased.

"Lily I-" He got cut off

"Come on guys last hole to do and we can go get a few drinks." Louis shouted

I carried on walking to the golf cart and Harry sat next to me. Just us two. I felt like it was like this the whole time. But it wasn't....

When we finished we handed our clubs back in and we headed for the car.

"So we up for the pub then?" Liam asked happily

"Well I don't think I'm going to come, I'm tired and I have to do some last minute Christmas shopping for you guys!" I said.

"Ok, Harry?"

"Sorry I need to do some shopping as well" He laughed.

"Ok well you two have fun, AND Harry, please don't try anything on with my sister...." Niall said giggling.

"I won't mate.."

I called for an Uber (A/N, if you don't know what an Uber is, it is a car that you can call and it takes you to where you want to go all the YouTubers use these to get around London. It's like a taxi but posher)

It finally arrived and we both got in.

"Where to miss?" the driver asked

"Oxford street please" I asked politely.

We finally got there and the place was packed.

"I'll call you again when we're finished Walter?"

"Yes that's fine miss" He said.

So where to now???? I saw Topshop just in my eyesight, got Harry's hand and headed over there.

"Right Mr Styles, I need help finding a new outfit ok. It's for a party this Friday night, with all my college friends." I said very sophisticated.

"Right well...what about this top?" He said holding up a light blue draping vest top. "Oh and this skirt?" he said holding up a black leather skirt.

"Harry that's PERFECT! You're so good at picking clothes haha" I giggled "right I already have some shoes at home and a jacket, so that's about it."

"Right lets pay then" he said. We walked over to the till and a little girl came up to Harry and asked for a photo. Her mum took the photo and then lots of other girls were coming up for a picture. That's when one of the employees came over to me and said.

"Hi, sorry to bother you, but are you Lily Horan?" The brown short haired woman said to me.

"Why yes I am, what can I help you with?"

"Oh well, there's a lot of girls waiting for you?"

I nodded and walked over and then screaming errupted in my ears.

"Hi, I'm Lola. Please can I have a photo with you, I love you so much! You're my idol!!" She said excitedly and shaking.

"Why of course sweetie."

A couple of photos later and I finally paid for my clothes.

"Well that was a bit of a hassle..." Harry laughed

"Yup, but you're used to it...right??" I questioned

"A bit. Anyway, lets go get a drink. Where do you want to go?"

I had only one place in my mind. "Costa!" I laughed.

"Costa it is then."

We entered Costa.

"Babe go find us a table, oh and what do you want to drink?" He asked nicely

"Urm, a Costas Signiture Hot Chocolate pleaseeeeee" I begged

I found a seat and sat down. 2 minutes later a girl came up to me.

"Hi, I'm Courtney, I watch your videos on YouTube and I'd just like to ask you two things, one can I have a photo with you and two do you know 'Zoe, Louise, Tanya etc?"

"I do know them, I'm actually good friends with them, and sure sweetie we can have a photo"

The camera is turned and the button is clicked.

"Thank you so much!"

She hugs me and runs off.

"What was that about?" Harry stares at me concerned.

"Oh it was just a viewer."

"Ah right, any way here's your hot chocolate' He says handing me the drink.

"Thank you, how much was it?" I say reaching for my purse.

"Oh don't be silly it's on me ok."

I can't resist him, really!

I get out my phone and go onto Instagram. I saw I was tagged in a photo with a caption. 'OMG I HAVE JUST MET 'THE' LILY HORAN! SHES PERFECT! SO PRETTY!!! I LOVE YOU!!! @LilyHoran'

I couldn't help but like the picture.

Then I saw Harrys' hands lower my phone to the table.

"So Lily, I've been wanting to talk to you like this for a while now...and I was just wondering if you would like to go out with me tonight? I don't know just you and me, candle lit dinner for two at the best restaurant in town ok."

Should I? What would happen to me if anything serious happened? What would his fans think?!

"But what would your fans think?" I worriedly ask

"Oh forget about them, this is just about you and me, ok?" I held to my hands and I giggled.

"Ok, fine i'll go"

"YES! Right i'll be at yours tonight at around 7?"

"That's fine! Lets' get some shopping done now!" I stated


So Lily's going on a date with Harry! What will happen and who will find out??

Im going to bed now!! NIGHT GUYS!!


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