A little bit of F-U-N! - Chapter 5.

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*Lilys POV*

As the videos came to an end, we finished talking and then turned the camera off. We both stood up and headed to the living room. I took my MacBook with me and so did Zoe.

As we walked in all the boys were sat there. Zoe had met them before so it wasn't a first time thing, if you get me.

"Hey guysssss" I giggled.

"What do you want now?" Niall answered.

"Nothing why???" I pondered.

"There is" Niall said giggling and standing up towards me.

"Isn't!" I quickly snapped laughing.

By now Niall had grabbed me and swung me over his shoulder.

"NIALLLLLLLL" I screamed.

He did this all the time to me and then he threw me on the sofa. I had my head on Harry and my feet of Liam.

I looked at them both.

"Sorrryyyyyy" I whined in response.

They both smirked at me.

I sat up and put my laptop on my lap as Zoe sat next to me and did the same. I started to edit my new main channel video.


About two hours passed and me and Zoe had finished editing our videos. I opened twitter on my laptop, and composed a new tweet:

'So guys, I have a new video coming out tomorrow with my special guest @Zoella! Are you excited? Guess what it is......'

And with that I gained a lot of responses like,

'OMG! So excited my two favourite people in one video!!' - @Youtuberfangirl21

and lots more of that!

I was overwhelmed with the response I was getting.

By now it was 5pm and Alfie, Tanya, Jim, Joe and Louise had arrived at mine and Nialls appartment. I filmed a video with everyone else and then tweeted:

'I have some amazing videos coming up in the next few weeks!'

And with that I locked my phone, and picked up my house phone, everyone wanted a Nandos, especially Niall. I ordered for everyone and Zoe and I went to collect it.

As we entered Nandos, paparazzi were every where. They were sreaming things at me.



All these questions about me and Harry. I mean, yeah they only want a story, but it's my life, and I mean the fans would go ape on me! Zoe grabbed my arm as we both had sunglasses on, and she dragged me inside the restaurant.

'What was all that about?' Zoe questioned.

'Well people assumed that me and Harry are dating.' I answered

'and....' she paused.

I didn't reply and just giggled.

"Oh my god! So you are!!!' She squealed 'I'm so happy for you both!!'

'Well, don't tell anyone. It's our little secret.'

'I promise!'

We collected our food and headed out. Again paparazzi in our faces but we stormed through it. (sassy or what...)

As we walked through the door, everyone got their food and we just sat down on the couch and ate our food, by now it was 8pm and everyone decided to stay at mine. 

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