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Today was Monday. Normally, it was a dreadful day to everyone anyways. However, this particular Monday was especially horrible for me.

February 6th was the day my contract started. Once my eyes opened to the white ceiling above me, everything hit me like a fist. 

This was actually happening. I actually agreed to kill someone to save my own life, and of course my mom.

Yesterday, I met up with Andrea at the restaurant as I couldn't make it to our usual Saturday meeting. I was too shaken up that I knew I wouldn't be able to act like my normal self around her if we were to meet just hours after what Stephen told me.

"Eleanor, the task is actually quite simple since I gave you six months. I'm not usually this generous." He pauses for a moment as if he expected me to thank him. I bit my tongue to refrain from saying a word. 

The corner of his lips quirk up, before continuing. "You know Mr White, don't you? Michael White." I couldn't control myself in time, and the two letter word left my mouth before I could stop it. "You must remember who is in control here, Eleanor. You do not have a say in this at all!" Quickly, he snapped at me and my blood ran cold.

Yes, I must remember that he killed the man. He was someone capable of such things. I pressed my lips tightly against each other, and nodded with obedience. 

"Glad we have an understanding. Now, I need you to kill Michael White. It shouldn't be so hard since you're so close to him anyways, am I right?" He looked at me, expecting a response. I could only mumble a soft 'yes' to his question.

How did he find out so much information about me?

"There is no need for you to know why he needs to be killed. I also expect you to kill with as much precision as someone I could hire from the dark web. Fail to do so, and you die." He said it so easily it scared me even more. I was just another toy to him. Another pawn in the game. 

He expected me to fail and die.

"I don't need to tell you to be quiet about this matter. You know all too well what will happen if you breathe a word to this to anyone. Calum, Noah, Ria..."

No, not my friends. "Stop, I get it. I'll do as you say! Just please, don't hurt anyone!" I was almost ready to get down on my knees and beg if that was what I had to do. He simply shrugged at my pleads. "You keep your word and I keep mine."

Then, the conversation was over. He turned and faced the other direction before leaving me all alone in this dark place. 

I had used up a lot of energy yesterday around my mom and Carlos, trying to act like how I normally would and putting up a facade. It was awfully tiring, when all I really wanted to do was curl up in bed and think about the whole situation that I've somehow gotten myself into.

Even the group chat with my friends that usually cracks multiple smiles from me couldn't cheer me up. It was fortunate that they weren't actually physically with me, and couldn't sense my true emotions through text and emojis.

My phone vibrates as if it heard my thoughts.

Ria: guys you won't believe it, ed sheeran is back

Cal: who

Ria: you're so rude

Noah: On better news I got a bonus yesterday

Noah: And I got myself a drone lol

Cal: lucky shit

Ria: i bet you got the most expensive one too, didn't you

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2018 ⏰

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