Chapter 1

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"SAM," My mom calls to me, "GET UP, YOU WILL BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!"
"Shit! Not again!" I say to myself.
I look in the general direction of my alarm clock and notice it was never even plugged in.
I smack myself in the head and roll out of bed.

Looking around my room, I pick up random clothes and sniff them to see if they are wearable. Good enough, I think to myself. I pair my outfit with a pair of black and white converse, comb my hair really quick, brush my teeth, and head downstairs where my mother is waiting for me.
"What took you so damn long!" My mother asks me as she hands me a muffin, my lunch, and my keys.
"Love you too Mom." I say as I rush out the door.
I hop on my motorcycle and start it up. I back out of the driveway and speed towards school.
I get into the parking lot and park in my spot at the back of the lot. I tossle my black hair and readjust my glasses. I sprint down the lot and head to my locker where my best friend, Freddy, I waiting for me.
I open my locker, grab my books, stuff them in my backpack, and start heading to class.
"Yo, you look like shit toda-ay how you doing." Freddy says to me as we pass by a sophomore.
I hit him in the chest and say, "Knock it off dude, she taken."
"How do you know?" Freddy says to me as he runs his fingers through his short blonde hair.
"Because she's making out with her boyfriend right there." I say as I point down the hall at her.
"Oh." Freddy says as he looks down with his brown puppy dog eyes.
"Plus, there are plenty of girl who like you dude." I say, trying to cheer him up.
"Nah, they all just stare." Freddy says a little creeped out.
"That means they like you Fred." I say as I hit him in the arm.
Freddy nods and we walk to our first class, English.
Ah! The horror!!
*insert terrified internal scream*
Let's just say, I have trouble reading. No i'm not dyslexic, I just...let my mind wander a bit. I guess that explains why I have a B- in that class.
How my English class is laid out, you walk in and go down a row of desks. At the end of the row, her teacher's stand is there. I sit near the window closest to her. In front of me is the most popular girl in the school, Jenna Trumen. She always smells like she just got pummeled by those sales ladies who try to get you to my their perfume. But by some miracle, all the boys like her. Maybe because she was curvy and had huge boobs. I mean huge. Not that I stare at her...anyways...back to english.
My teacher, Mrs. Ridelate, hates everyone in my class. I don't even know why she teaches teens.
"Ok class, get out your...uh...what are we doing again?" Mrs. Ridelate said to the class.
"I think we were watching Romeo and Juliet!" piped in Sarah, Jenna's second in command.
"Oh, right," Mrs. Ridelate said with a sigh, "more time for me to sleep."
She turned on the projector and played the old version of Romeo and Juliet.
An hour passed by and the bell rang as dismissal for our next class. Everyone got up and left.
"Sam, get over here." Mrs. Ridelate called out.
I trudge over and see what she wants.
"You are in big trouble mister!"
"What! What did I do?" I say defensively
"You know what you did! Stop playing dumb!" Mrs. Ridelate said as she pointed a crooked finger at me.
Why me, I think to myself.

Hi! Hopefully you guys liked this, i will try to update as soon as i can! Thank you for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2016 ⏰

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