Chapter Four

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Alright so I've had a slight case of writer's block but I finally finished my next chapter! <3 I really hope you like it. It's pretty short though <3

              “Lily!” Cordy’s voice rang from the kitchen. “If you don’t leave now, you’re going to be late! You’re lucky Jason didn’t fire you; don’t give him the chance to regret it!”

                I glanced at the neon green digital clock numbers. 9:00; I knew I was going to be late but, staring at the crinkled paper Derek had given me a week ago, I couldn’t bring myself to care. As I read the note for the thousandth time this week I felt tears come to my eyes, threatening to run down my hot rosy read cheeks. I quickly blinked them away before they could spill over.


                I’ve wrote this note a million times. I just don’t know what to say. If you’re reading this then I’ve found you… And I’m so sorry, Lil. I just had to get out. I couldn’t handle it for much longer. I think about you every minute of every day. I regret not taking you with me. I was so stupid! I don’t even want to think about what Aaron has probably done to you… And probably still is. I miss you so much, sweetie. I hope that you get out of there and I wish I could help but… I just can’t. I’m so sorry. I love you, Lil. Please call me 218-123-4567.


                “Lily!” Cordy barged in with an apprehensive expression. “You’re gonna be—what’s wrong?” Her voice changed from impatient to concern drastically. Worry filled her eyes. “Hun, are you reading that again?”

                I sniffled and smiled sadly. “By any chance can you tell me what the hell to do?” I asked, already knowing the answer. She returned my sad smile and settled next to me on my bed, wrapping her thin arms around me.

                “Nope,” She sighed. “I wish I could but this is something you’ve got to figure out yourself. You already know what I think you should do but it’s your choice.” She smoothed my tangled hair, soothingly. After a moment of silence I finally spoke.

                “I—I think I’m going to call him… later though,” I stuttered.

                “Do you know what you’re going to say to him?” Cordy asked.

                “No. Like you said, I’ll figure it out,” I frowned, glancing back at the clock. “But right now I have to go to work.”

                Cordy nodded and patted my shoulder. “It’ll be ok, I promise.”

                I stood up with Cordy and grabbed my bag. “I’ll see you later,” I hugged her and said goodbye to Kelly and Nicole then started walking to the strip joint.

                The walk from our apartment to the club is twenty blocks but I don’t mind it; I loved New York. Words cannot begin to describe the exhilaration that washes through me at night when I see all the beautiful buildings and bright lights everywhere. The decision to move here after I fled from Rose Valley was in the spur of the moment.  I’ve always wanted to move to California or Florida; somewhere hot.  The only reason why I came here was to try and find Derek. Derek went to New York one weekend with a couple of his friends and when he came back he was ecstatic. I still remember the way his eyes lit up with excitement as he explained every little detail about the trip. Now I can understand his appeal for the city. I thought that since he loved it so much that he’d probably come back here. I guess my hunch was correct. After six month of searching for him, I decided to start my new life. Unfortunately, that new life also includes me dancing without a stitch of clothing on for horny old men that don’t give a shit about me.

I looked up at the dark cloudy ominous sky just as a water droplet splashed upon my cheek. I wiped the water from my cheek with my shirt sleeve as the rain started to softly fall from the sky. Hurrying my pace to a fast walk, I felt the rain soaking my dark locks of hair.

“Lily?” I heard a smooth voice call my name and I turned my head to the right to see a very familiar blonde cellmate pulling up at the curb next to me inside a silver Honda Sonata. I squinted at Adam trying to get a better look at his face. “Do you need a ride?”

I glanced up at the rainy sky and made the split-second decision to jump into the passenger seat of Adam’s car. I shivered and Adam automatically turned on the heat. “So where you headed to?”

I bit my lip. “Work.”

“Where’s that?”

I gave him the directions as he punched the address into his GPS and started driving. The car fell into an awkward silence; neither of us knowing what to say.

“So how have you been?”  Adam broke the ice.

“Um, I’ve been pretty good. What about you?” I was starting to regret getting into getting in the car. I really hope he doesn’t say anything about Derek.

“I’ve been good,” He paused and I knew what he was going to say. “So you haven’t called Derek.” It was a statement, not a question.

I sighed. “Nope.”

“Why?” He pressed.

“I don’t know what to say,” Whoa, I was not expecting that. When the hell did I start spurting the truth out of my mouth?

Adam clearly wasn’t expecting it either. “He misses you, you know.” I put my head down, suddenly very interested with my hands. “He’s been a wreck ever since he last saw you. He’s been searching everywhere for you.”

Guilt consumed me as I thought about Derek lurking around New York City, trying to find me. I sighed. “I was going to call him later tonight. After work,” I told him, honestly again.

He pulled up to the club and looked at the sign. Immediately, he burst out laughing. I let a small smile slip on my face and rolled my eyes. 

“Stupid name, I know,” I laughed a little as he started to calm down.

“No, um, it sounds like a great place to work,” He tried to stifle his laughter, unsuccessfully.

“Oh, shut up,” I laughed. For some reason, joking around with him about me being a stripper really didn’t bother me.

“I’m sorry.” Adam chuckled softly. “That just made my night. Thank you.”

I smiled and unbuckled my seatbelt. “Thanks for the ride,” I paused before opening the door. “Can you not tell Derek about this?” I asked, gesturing towards the club.

He pursed his lips and seemed to think about it for a minute before eventually nodding his head. “But you have to tell him soon. He already suspects something like this is going on based on that… um outfit that you wore at the police station. By the way, why were you arrested?” He asked with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

“Why were you arrested?” I smirked.

“Touché.”  He winked.

Rolling my eyes, I opened the door of Adam’s car and stepped out. “Well I’m extremely late,” I stated, not even needing to look at the time. “So I better get going. Thanks for the ride and... for not telling Derek.”

Adam nodded and smiled at me. “Anytime, Lily.”

“Bye, Adam.” I closed the door and started walking up to the club door. I turned around before walking inside to see Adam glance at the club sign again and chuckle. I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face as I opened the front door to the gentlemen’s club, Chix on Dix.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Hope you liked it! <3 Lol, I looked up and found a strip club called Chix on Dix so I decided to use it xD Tell me what you think! Comment and vote! <3

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