Chapter Three

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New chapter! Ah! I'm really happy about this chapter! <3 Hope you like it!

As I walked out of the police station I caught a whiff of strawberries and tobacco. I smiled; I knew that scent. Turning to my right, I saw Cordy.  “Dude, what are you doing here?”  I went over and hugged her.

                Cordy worked with me in the strip club and is also my roommate.  She was working the same shift with me on my first day and helped me with my nerves.  When I told her I didn’t have a place to stay she moved me in with her, as long as I pay half the rent.  She’s the closest thing I have to a mom, even though she’s only six years older than me.  If you saw her walking down the street, you’d never guess that she was a stripper.  When she wasn’t at work, she usually slums out in sweats, not a stitch of makeup on, her hair in a high bun.

                “So that’s the thanks I get for bailing you out of jail?” She asked, dramatically. I rolled my eyes.

                “Thank you, Cordellia,” I teased, sarcastically and knew that using her full name would irk her.

                She glared, playfully. “You’re a bitch, you know that?”

                I smirked. “I know.  You’re starting to rub off on me.”

                Cordy rolled her eyes and looked down at my school girl outfit. “Here,” She handed me her loose fitting jacket, putting it over my shoulders.  I suddenly remember Derek’s face when he saw me in this. I frowned, feeling dirty.  I shook my head.  No, I told myself, you’ll forget about him.  He forgot about you; you have to do the same.

                My smirk was replaced by a smile. “Thanks.”

                She smiled back and started walking with me behind her. “You hungry?”

                My stomach growling was the only answer from me.  She laughed.  “Let’s go to the café,” I smiled, gratefully.

                After walking fifteen blocks to the café in my stiletto boots, I’m ready to kill someone.  As the door chimed when we walked in I groaned.  “My feet are probably bleeding!”

                Cordy rolled her eyes as we went and sat down at the counter. “Hey Cordy, Lily,” Tyler smiled from behind the counter.  “The usual?” I smiled, thinking of a fresh steaming mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows and whipped cream with a vanilla cupcake on the side. 

                “Of course,” Cordy said, smiling flirtatiously at Tyler.  I rolled my eyes.  Cordy and Tyler have the hugest crush on each other but do absolutely nothing about it.  If they don’t get together soon, I’m going to rip my hair out; their not-so-subtle-flirting is starting to annoy me.

                “Sure thing, beautiful,” Tyler winked at Cordy and smirked, turning around to get to work.

                I turned to Cordy, who was checking out Tyler’s backside. “Admiring his jeans?” I smirked and raised an eyebrow.  I giggled when Cordy jumped and turned beat red for getting caught.  She glared at me and I giggled more.

                “I hate you.” Her glare didn’t faze.

                “You love me,” I teased, sticking my tongue out at her.

                “No, I don’t think I do,” She shook her head.

                “Then you thought wrong, because I’m the most lovable person in the world!” I yelled the last part, dramatically.  Cordy rolled her eyes as Tyler set down our orders. “Thanks,” We spoke in unison.

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