Success begins with Failure

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Kim Himchan lived with Bang Yongguk and his twin, Yongnam. The three got along very well. Yongguk and Himchan wanted to start a band but they couldn't with just the two members. Yongnam couldn't join them due to his own band. Yongguk and Yongnam may have been twins bur their taste in music was different. Guk liked hip hop while Nam liked rock. Himchan felt like an odd ball but that was alright with him. The band Himchan and Yongguk made had fallen through and they gave up. The six members keep in contact as they went to be normal people but little did they know that they would see each other again. Jongup and Junhong worked in a dance studio to teach others how to do certain dance moves while Daehyun was a choir teacher, which surprised Himchan. Youngjae worked in a mall as a manager of one of the music stores. Himchan is Yongguk's manager for his record company. The two oldest band members of their group show young people the hardships they will face once they get into the music business. The new comers were always hard to deal with but Himchan was alright with the hard work. This was the life most of the group had gotten into after being rejected by music companies. Himchan himself enjoyed what he did as long as he was getting paid really well by his long time friend. The room was quiet, that he was surprised on. It had been days since he had heard from the others. He missed watching Jongup dance, Junhong practicing, Daehyun sing, and Youngjae be his sassy self. In short, Himchan missed the others a lot.

"Morning, Himchan," a deep voice greeted the younger. This voice belonged to Yongguk.

"Morning, Bang," Himchan answered.

"You busy tonight?" Yongguk asked his friend. Himchan looked up at his friend boss.

"Not really, why?" Himchan asked.

"Junhong and I are going out tonight to catch up on old times and wanted to know if you wanted to join us," Yongguk explained to the other man.

"I guess I could Join. Third wheeling is better than doing nothing," Himchan answered. Bang gave the other his gummy smile.

"Great, see you after work then," Bang replied happily. This was going to be a long day for the younger man. Yongguk turned and retreated into his office. This action left Himchan by himself in the quiet room.

The day had gone by slow like it always did. People come and go and everybody at BH entertainment practiced well and they could become idols. If their dream couldn't come true, then they were going to help the others achieve their dreams as people they looked up to. Himchan loved to be a role model to somebody. Even f they never got to achieve what they wanted. The one thing the young man hated was that he had a desk and desk jobs were boring to him. Himchan also helped train the musically inclined individuals at times when he wasn't busy this was how he worked through the day.

Soon enough, the work day was over for band and Himchan. The two were headed to the dance studio where Jongup and Junhong worked. The two were in Himchan's corvette and flying though the streets just to pick up the maknae. The two in the car wasn't talking very much. Himchan was focusing on the road while Bang couldn't keep still in his seat. It had been months since the whole group had been in the same room but it will only be three people tonight. The three men were going to a nice restaurant and then hang out somewhere or watch a movie. Yongguk was the one to plan this and Himchan really didn't feel like third wheeling every time he would go somewhere with Junhong and Yongguk. This was going to be interesting for Himchan since he was by himself.

Once they showed up at the dance studio, there wasn't just one person waiting on them but two people were. Yongguk must have asked Junhong to see if Jongup would join them. Was Yongguk trying to pull a fast one on Himchan? Did Yongguk know that Himchan liked Jongup? The two soon got into the corvette and Himchan knew it was time to go. Himchan could see Jongup from the rear view mirror of the car. This was going to be an interesting night. The eldest was looking out the window while Junhong talked. Jongup kept stealing glances at Himchan and of course Himchan seen him from the corner of his eye. Himchan was surprised by the actions of the younger; he could tell there was something the other wanted to say.

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