Hope for Their Return

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"Who are these three, Himchan?" one of the guards asked.

"These are the new employees. Let them pass Yoongi," Himchan told the guard but the other was still suspicious.

"Are you sure?" Taehyung asked the second in command in this company.

"Yes, I am sure. Now will you let my boyfriend and my friends pass," Himchan told them sternly. The two guards bowed and let the three pass. Jongup rushed to Himchan's side. Himchan looked over to Jongup and seen the younger smile and so he smiled back.

"Is that normal?" Youngjae asked. Himchan looked at the young man.

"When you have trainees hunting you down to ask if they get to debut soon or not then yes, it is JaeJae," Himchan replied. He looked to the three. "I'm sorry they did that. There are out for Yongguk's and my safety."

"It's fine. We understand," Daehyun replied to the elder. The four continued to make their way towards Yongguk's office. As they walked, it was silence again. The silent walk to his office was short. There were a lot of busy halls and not a lot of empty ones. The small group made it to a wooden door. They could hear chatting behind said door knowing it was Yongguk and Junhong. The group opened the door and entered.

Once the walked in, Youngjae shut the door and the four of them found a place to sit down for the six of them to talk. Jongup, Himchan and Daehyun were sitting on the couch on one side of the room while Yongguk was sitting at his desk and Junhong and Youngjae were sitting in the chairs in front of Yongguk's desk. The room was silent for a bit. How were they going to bring back B.A.P if TS owned the name? TS owned them then. How were they going to get their title back?

"Welcome Daehyun and Youngjae to BH Entertainment," Yongguk welcomed the two. This was the first time they ever set foot in this building. It was the first for a lot of things for the two. "Now to the real reason why everybody is here." Each member looked towards the C.E.O of the company.

"How are we going to do this, Yongguk?" Youngjae asked the elder.

"TS owns the name B.A.P," Jongup told them.

"We will get the rights to the name and be B.A.P once again if you are all up to it," Yongguk told them. Himchan smiled at this. He has the chance to be famous once again.

"What do we do to get started up again?" Junhong asked.

"Well let's get started with getting our name under BH instead of TS," Yongguk answered. Everybody stood up and they all did their chant as they always did when they were B.A.P at the concerts.

"Let's go be who we were meant to be," Daehyun told them all and that was exactly what they were going to do.

"Here's the plan. Youngjae and Daehyun, go get yourself familure with this life once again we are going to come back. Jongup and Junhong go help them while Himchan and I come up with a way to get our name back," Yongguk explained. Each person nodded and went their separate ways. Once Himchan and Yongguk were left in the room, everything became tense.

"Yongguk, you know that is going to be a hard battle," Himchan told the elder.

"I know it will but that's what we all want right? We all was to be famous. That was our dream for a long time," Yongguk replied.

"So what do you need me to do?" Himchan asked.

"Figure out how to get our name from TS," Yongguk Explained to the younger man. Himchan just smiled slightly.

"I will get that done immediately," Himchan told his as he walked to the door of Yongguk's office.

"Oh Himchan," Yongguk called for the other before he could leave.

"Yes, Yongguk?" questioned Himchan.

"Can you clear one of the music rooms that we have I going to start composing music for the comeback of B.A.P?" Yongguk asked the younger man.

"I can do that for you," Himchan replied before he walked out the door. One he was through, he shut the door. He headed towards the music recording studio rooms to close one off for Yongguk. Himchan walked to the elevator that would take him to the floor that the rooms were on. The elevator ride was quiet besides the elevator music. Once the young man was out of the elevator, he walked to a room that was closest to him so he could close it off. All he had to do was lock the door and the trainees and groups would know that it is not to be used.

Once he locked the door, he boarded the elevator and got to his office. Himchan entered his office moments later. He made his way towards his desk to begin his research for the idea of bringing back B.A.P. they needed to get the name away from TS and bring it to BH Entertainment where they all were. There had to be a way to get it from the other company. They didn't want to go through another lawsuit over the ordeal. But they had to be prepared for anything. Suddenly, his office phone began ringing. Himchan reached for it and picked it up.

"Hello?" Himchan asked.

"Himchan, did you save a room for me?" Himchan heard Yongguk's voice ask.

"Of course, Yongguk. It is the one that is locked like always," Himchan answered. "It should be the first door on the left."

Thank you, Himchan," Yongguk answered.

"You're welcome," Himchan replied.

"Talk to you later. Im going down there to work now," Yongguk told him.

"If I need you I will go and getyou," Himchan replied and then he hung up the office phone. Today marked thestart of B.A.P coming back for the Babyz. And so Himchan returned to hisbusiness. Right now, he wasn't getting very far but he was bound to make abreak through. He needed to for the younger members of this group and he wasgoing to do his best. They wanted to live the dream of being famous and thiswas their second shot at it. There was no way they were going to give up thistime. And they weren't going to quit without a fight.

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