Chapter One

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Just so you guys know I'm writing in third person from now on.

"I'm fine," the blond haired girl swears.

The healer clucks her tongue, "first you lie about your dreams, now about how you feel? You shouldn't lie to a healer Rache."

Rache is about to reply, but a wave a nausea flows over her and she pukes in a bucket instead. She sits back up and glares at the tan healer. Soft blue eyes and curly hair make her seem like someone you can trust. With conquers around though, you can't trust anyone.

"I'm fine," Rache lies again, "just a bit sick, really. Tell Dawson and Devin to calm down."

"Have you been taking your medicine?" I healer asks leaning in the counter.

Rache tugs at her hair, "yeah, but it makes me feel even more sick," she mutters. The real truth involved bonding sickness. When Eko first showed up, it felt like a dream come true. Now with the puking, constant stress of the Earl finding out and lying, it's starting to feel like a nightmare.

"Nolanna, please," Rache begs, "I'm fine. Just allergies."

Nolanna tilts her head thoughtfully, "you haven't been taking your medicine."

"It makes me feel even more sick. Please, stop with the meds. If I can handle being hit, then I can handle some puk-" the girl double overs and Nolanna hands her the bucket. After efficiently removing all the contents in her stomach Rache drops the bucket.

"I have to go back to work," Rache says sliding off the table.

Nolanna sighs, "just wait," and disappears around the corner. Rache shifts back and forth on her feet uncomfortable. The room smelt of flowers, which was nice, the windows allowed sunlight to stream through and brighten every corner, that was nice as well. The herbs hung from pots that sway on the ceiling and everything was coloured a beautiful brown and green combination. But nothing could mask the smell and overbearing thought of death in the room.

Nolanna returns carrying a pouch filled with somthing that smells minty. She hands it to Rache and closes her hand around the bag, "take this in the morning and before you go to bed. You're not telling me anything and I'm starting to believe that it involves a certain animal."

At animal all the blood drains away from Rache's face.

"You need to work on your poker face," Nolanna says dropping Rache's hand, "and don't worry. No one will know, Bo and I can keep a secret. This medicine will sothe your stomach, but there is nothing for bonding sickness."

"Who's Bo?" Rache asks crinkling her eyebrows. The healer winks and a robin appears on her shoulder. The bird tilts it's head and tweets at the girl. Rache grins faintly.

"I'll take the medicine," she promises.

With a flash Bo disappears, "stay safe Rache."

Exiting out of the healers den Rache makes her way through the crowds in the market. She observes a young boy swipe a spare loaf of bread of a counter, but does nothing to stop it. The taxes were higher than ever and the bottom of the pyramid needed everything they could get.

Rache ducks into an alley and clambers her way over the wall that divides the woods from the city. She whistles softly to alert a 'certain animal'.

After a few seconds a thumping sound is heard and a husky comes barreling out of the forest. The dog bows and leaps around Rache before tackling the poor girl.

"That's not fair," Rache laughs at the bombardment of kisses, "you're almost as tall as me!"

The husky freezes and looks down at her partner. Suddenly a crippling pain races up Rache's spine and she grimaces. Eko whines in sympathy.

"I'm good," Rache says leaning against the wall once Eko let her go.


Eko's memory voice echoes in Rache's head.

"Bonding sickness. The only cure is the bile, but I'm not taking it. I gave you three days in the woods. I need a week of passive state to heal and make sure no one suspects anything."

Eko whines at the thought of no longer being free, but touches Rache's shoulder to let her know that she'll be okay.

Rache groans and with a searing pain the husky disappears and Eko reappears mid-leap on her shoulder. The pain starts fading and soon Rache gains the strength and energy to stand up to make the trek over the wall. At the top she slips and lands on her back. Pain races up her spine again, but she remains silent. Pain only hurts if you let it hurt, a lesson she learned long ago.

She rises shakily to her feet and stumbles towards the Trunswick castle. The looming grey walls and surronding wall makes it seem unwelcoming. The inside is no different and the people no better.

The youngest member is the only one who doesn't hate anyone and is the first to great Rache when she enters.

"Are you still sick?" Dawson asks when he spots the blond hair.

Rache glances down at the blue-eyed, brown-haired kid and sees the innocence that only kids possess.

"No, I'm all healed up. And late for my shift," Rache answers side stepping to avoid Dawson.

"Well, the healer told me to give you this," Dawson says tossing Rache a pouch. It completely misses the girl and she stares at Dawson with one raised eyebrow, "at least I didn't hit anything this time."

Rache just rolls her eyes and grabs the discarded pouch. The same minty smell wafts from the open top and she adds it to the first one.

Dawson opens his mouth to say something, but Rache cuts him off, "don't worry, I'll take it. And if you or your brother mention it even once I'll give you something that the healer won't have medicine to heal," she says limping away.

Rache was granted the day off by the servant officer and to celebrate it, she plans are spending the whole day sleeping. With a few meals of course.

Before she has a chance to even remove her shoes a knock is heard at her door. Opening the door she prominently says, "no," upon seeing who is standing in the way of her nap.

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