Chapter Seven

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"This is wrong!" Rache pleads, "they are innocent!"

"Hmm... true. So you'll take it?" Lexa asks tilting her head


Rache eyes latch onto the pale face of her father.

"You can't take it no matter what," he pleads.

Rache notices her mother yelling at her father about sending a message to the others.

One of the guards drops his torch dangerously close to the tinder by Roger's feet.

"Fine, I'll take it!" Rache shrieks, "let them go."

"Not quite yet," Lexa says still sitting on Rache, "first you drink the bile."

Rache's eyes harden, "then give it to me, snake servant." Lexa's eyes flash and she brings her fist up to hit Rache. She tilts her head as if listening to a far off voice before dropping it.

Lexa stands up and the cold sensation leaves Rache's body and the girl springs up. She moves to charge at Lexa, but a guard pulls her arms behind her and Rache feels a shoulder pop. She winces, but doesn't make a sound. Lexa waves her hand and a large covered cage is pushed in. Rache can't see what's inside but it sounds mean.

"Here," Lexa says annoyed shoving a flask at Rache.

"Incase you didn't notice my hands are a bit tied up. Also my shoulder is dislocated."

Rache can still hear her family screaming about not taking the Bile, but she tunes out the voices. The only thing that matters is getting her family out alive.

"Make a move, and they die," Lexa warns. She waves her hand and the guard releases Rache. Rache grabs her arm and fixes the shoulder.

Grabbing the flask she glares angrily at Lexa, "promise to release them."

"I promise," Lexa swears.

Rache takes the flask and drinks it like a shot. Gagging at the horrible taste she can feel something dark unfurling inside of her. Power she didn't know she had, and a hand, no a snake, in her mind. Her eyes briefly flash gold before returning to green. The covering on the cage is removed and a brown wolf howls at the sudden light.

"Now call it into passive," Lexa commands.

Rache scowls, "she already is. I did it, let them go," Rache demands throwing the glass flask on the floor and shattering it.

Lexa's eyes turn yellow and she grins darkly at Rache, "Lexa may have promised, but I didn't," Gerathon hisses.

In the back of her mind Rache feels the great snake uncoiling. Screaming she clutches her head, but too late she realizes that the snake is controlling her.

Rache, who is no longer Rache, straightens up. Her green eyes are replaced with slitted gold ones and she grins. A flash of light fills the yard and beside the blond girl is a husky, but this one has her lips peeled back in a snarl and hackles raised.

"Two down, nine to go," Gerathon/Rache hisses. Lexa smirks as Gerathon/Rache slowly walks towards her tied up family.

"What did you do to my daughter?" Rache's mother wails.

"Well," Gerathon starts coldly, "for me to properly get a good grip on this mortal, I have to break her."

One guard hands Rache a torch and the girl grabs it, "and the best way is to kill her family." Gerathon drops the torch and flames roar to life.

Rache turns around and leaves her burning family behind.

"She's not gonna listen you know," Lei says his eyes locked on the blacken figures, "you'll always have to control her."

"Not unless I switch a few memories," Rache/Gerathon reminds him, "and with the Keeper I can now do that." Gerathon forces Rache to shut down her brain and the girl stumbles before landing hard on the ground.

In the back of her mind Rache knows, somehow Gerathon killed her family yet no matter how hard she tried she couldn't recall the memory. The faces of her family slowly dissappeared, and the memory gets replaced by something else.

~Lei's POV~

Lei stares in shock at the four burned husks. Rache lays in front unmoving and Lei starts to wonder if Gerathon killed her.

"Well, pick her up. We don't have all day," Lexa snaps.

"She won't listen," Lei repeats.

"Gerathon is making her forget as we speak," Lexa answers her cold eyes narrowed at Lei, "but if someone were to mention her family that burned in a house fire, she may just jump off a cliff."

"So I should lie to her?" Lei questions.

"Just never ask. Anyways isn't lie in your name?"

Lei remains silent and watches as Lexa walks away. A guard follows behind carrying the unconscious Rache. He turns towards the flames and starts thinking about something the parents were speaking about.


The word echoed in his mind, but for now all he had to do was follow orders. Soon he'll do what he needed and get out of Gerathon's grip.

You can't.

The snake hisses in his mind.

"We'll see," he mutters walking away to join the leaving group.


So the keeper is now bile infected.

Just to tell you guys my story intertwines with Griff-FanFic1933 story the ten keepers. I recommend reading it, but I shouldn't spoil much.

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