Chapter 1 - My Life

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Getting up slowly, trying not to wake up my poor excuse for a father, I creep into my clean and polished bathroom. I grab my toothbrush and brush my teeth squeaky clean. Turning on the shower ever so slowly, I strip out of my clothes and take a deep breath as I walk into the shower. Wincing as the warm water burns my already bruised and cut skin I jump back in fear and decide to take a cold one instead. 3 minutes later I find myself throwing on a long sleeved loose top and a pair of skinny jeans. Leaving my bedroom, I grab my rucksack and my hoodie and as I pull on a pair of socks. Caustiously, I tip-toe down the stairs and silently run into the kitchen. As I turn on the stove and pour some oil into the pot I sense a strong smell of alchol and cigarettes. He's awake. No! As I rush to pop some toast in, into the toaster; my 'father' walks in. Luckily for me my cousin, Jason, who knows nothing about what goes on behind closed doors, strolls in with him with a great big Chesire Cat grin on his face
"Heya Cuz," He says cheerfully
"Hey Jas, Dad," I say trying to act natural
"Good moring dear," my Dad said in his 'Oh so happy and everything in the world is fine and dandy' voice
"Breakfast is served," I say placing it all onto a plate and passing it tomy father and Jason
"I'll see you later, Dad and Jas, I need to go to school now."
"Bye Ally,"
"Bye Allison."
"Bye," I say before shutting the door and preparing for the horrid day ahead of me.

(Bit too energetic? I'd expect so) My name is Jessy, well nickname, and at the end of these chapters I'll be doing these little authors note thingys xD Please forgive me if I have spelling errors and incorrect puncuation. I'll try my best to get them all correct. Please do NOT post rude/hateful comments. Now, I'm all about having a opinion but if you don't like this book, go find a new one to read. Also if you don't like the decisions the characters make, please contain your anger, as I do, and just go along with the storyline. If you made it this far then you get a cookie 🍪
See ya later Unicorns :P
~Jessy <33 ^^ :D :P

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