Chapter 2 - School

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This chapter is dedicated to @___abyyy
my first voter in this story :) Here's a pice of cake to help you get started 🍰
I'm not a piece of cake
For you to just discard xD ON WITH THE CHAPTER XD

For the average child, school sucks but for me it REALLY sucks. Imagine this, you go to school in an already shitty mood, walking to ypur locker is a lose-lose situation as you get pushed and trampled on by the 'Populars', then you go to break and sit with a book in your hand as you have literally no friends, even your imaginary friends leave you, and ecetera. I'd expect you to get the idea by now. And so, it was at 13:11 exactly, whilst thinking about my sad life I see Bianca Parker and her Mate Joshua
"Aha," I think to myself "I need to run away, I can stay away from my Father and these bullies, a fresh start. I have quite alot of money too and I am the Alpha's Daughter. Maybe I could even find my mate on the way."
Okay, so here's one thing you must know about me. I always have (and always will) believe you finding your mate have a very high chance of it ending up into a mushy, romantic fairytail senario.
Running home to start packing. Thoughts racing through my head
Shall I really do this?
Am I ready?
I'm going rouge, waht shall I pack?
What if my 'Dad' finds me?
He won't even care...
Reaching the pack house just in time, I walk upto my room. My Dad shouldn't be here until 7 P.M so I should have a long time to pack. Grabbing my Big bag I remove all the useless shit inside and start carefully putting some clothes in.
*Underwear ✔️
*Hoodies ✔️
*A pair of boots ✔️
*A couple tops ✔️
*A couple pairs of jeans✔️
*Socks ✔️
*Comb ✔️
*Creams ✔️
*Makeup kit✔️
*Food ✔️
Done? I think.
I jump out the window, remove my clothes and shifting into my wolf, a white medium sized wolf with gold dipped paws and a golden swirl in the middle of my forehead and my fluffy tail was also dipped in gold.
Me: May, please go faster!
May: I'm trying, I'm trying. Calm your shit.
Me: -_- I don't wanna get caught.
May: With me you won't ;)
Me: And I'm blocking you out.
Me: Hell nah, I can't stand chu.
May: Whatever. she replies going full speed.
This is going to be a hard journey.
What do you think will happen next? Will she get caught? I hope you liked this chapter guys :D I've been going through alot lately and this is hard for me to write sometime but I don't want to disappoint you all :P
That's all my Unicorns
May: P.S Remember to show your love for May
Jessy: What. The. Fuck.
May: ☕️
Jessy: 😑

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2016 ⏰

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