Chapter 73

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I slowly open my eyes, letting them adjust to the light in the room. First, I'm confused as to where I am, not recognizing the room I am in, but then I remember that we're in Vienna. I look to my right and see Max still sound asleep. He seems to be totally out of it, which makes me chuckle. Usually, when I wake up, he is already up and running.

Later today, we're flying back to England, to go straight to the Red Bull christmas party. I'm excited, as Femke, Rose and Marcel will be there as well. I even think Sebastian will be there, as Femke's date.

I slowly get out of bed, wanting to make sure I have breakfast ready before Max wakes up. Just when I'm about to start, my phone buzzes with a new text.

From : Dan

Hey, are you awake? need to talk to you! :( xx

I frown at that. Whenever he needs to talk, he's in trouble or he has a problem. I quickly text him back that I'll come to his room. I quickly write a note to Max, saying I've gone to Daniel and will be back later.


I knock onto Daniel's door and it's opened within seconds. Daniel is looking rather sad. Not really crying, just more like, sad. I walk into his room and sit down with him.

"What's wrong?" I ask him, clearly confused but also kind of upset because he is upset.

"Well, I just spoke to Victoria. You know our relationship hasn't been easy or anything. Well, we broke up again" he says. I smile sadly at him.

"I'm so sorry, Dan" I say, to which he shakes his head, making me even more confused.

"I am actually kind of relieved. I just need your advice" he says. I nod, waiting for him to continue.

"We broke up because we are both into someone else. And it's gone that far that I really, really like the girl I'm into. She is amazing and I kind of feel stupid for not ending it with Victoria sooner. She did say she knew something was wrong. I was wondering if it was weird to ask her to be my date to the Christmas party today" Daniel says, slightly blushing when he talks about the girl he likes. I smile at him.

"I think that would be great. She could get to know us all and I promise to be nice to her" I tell him, making him grin.

"I was actually wondering if you could like, take her under your wing if I am not able to look after her. I don't want her to be left alone with people she doesn't know and I trust you to make her feel comfortable" Daniel asks me.

"Off course, Dan! I am happy for you. I kind of knew you and Victoria weren't going to work out. You just were so different and she wasn't really that into racing" I tell him, him agreeing. He gives me a hug.

"Thank you, Jas. You're amazing" Daniel tells me. I smile.

"I know, I know. I really have to go now, need to feed the other driver" I tell Daniel, making him laugh. He lets me out and I make my way back to our room. When I walk in, Max is still sound asleep, making me roll my eyes. I do now start to make breakfast, and then waking him up.


We finally arrive in Milton Keynes. Both Max and I throw our suitcase on the bed in his appartment and quickly change, as we have half an hour before we have to leave again.

I put on the outfit I had in mind. It's a black top and red skirt. I put on high boots, coming over my knees. I quickly post my usual picture as I'm ready to go.

jasminxo : ready for the Red Bull christmas party! redbullracing

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jasminxo : ready for the Red Bull christmas party! redbullracing

Max and I walk into the Factory after parking the car. We walk through the halls. It feels weird, walking here without having to work. The halls are decorated, it feels like we're somewhere else.

We walk into the big room, which is filled with people. I spot Christian and pull Max with me. He smiles when he sees us, giving us both a hug and I also get a kiss.

"Congratulations on the awards, Max!" Christian tells him. Max thanks him and smiles bright. We greet more people that we usually don't see often. Just when I turn around, someone throws themselves in my arms. I instantly recognize this as Rose. I hug her back tightly, earing a giggle from her. She greets Max as well, as I hug Marcel. Not even 5 minutes later, Roy and Victoria join us as well.

"G'day, everyone" I hear an Australian accent say. Everyone turns around and we are met by Daniel and a beautiful girl. She is smiling nervously at us all. No one is really doing anything, so I step forward and give Daniel a hug. I then turn to the girl.

"Hi, I'm Jasmin! It's nice to meet you" I tell her and hold out my hand. She shakes it, with her nervous smile easing a bit.

"Hi, I've heard so much about you from Dan! I'm Evy" she tells me. I smile at her.

"I hope Dan only tells the good things about me" I say with a smile. Evy laughs but nods.

"Off course! He told me about the time that you helped him and how you're always there for him. He is rather fond of you" Evy says, making me smile. Everyone else introduces theirselves, but I stay next to Evy. Everyone mingles, even Max walks to a team member. I turn to Daniel and Evy.

"Where are you from?" I ask her.

"I'm actually from England" she says with a smile. So that's why she could be here so quickly.

"Cool! From around here?"

"Yeah, London. So it wasn't far for me" she answers. We talk a bit more, before we all get champagne glasses in our hands. Christian makes a toast and everyone cheers. Music starts to get louder and before I know it, Max pulls me onto the dance floor.


Hellooo :D

Another chapter :D with each other, we're getting closer to the end of THIS book..

I am going to TRY to get to 100 chapters! Let's hope I can do that!

xxxx <3

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