Chapter 76

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The guys went to unpack while I just keep preparing lunch. I hear the front door opening and voices erupt in the house. I walk out of the kitchen and see my girls. They all squeal and make their way towards me. I hug all three girls, before Max's friends walk out of one of the guest rooms as well. They greet Max before they introduce each other to the girls.

I then quickly make lunch, so everyone can eat. Everyone just talks about the flights and no word about Formula 1 is mentoined.

After lunch, we all sit in the living room.

"So, Jas and I actually wanted to go and buy some new furniture. Do you all want to join us?" Max asks everyone. They all frown.

"New furniture? You haven't been living here for long, why do you need new stuff already?" Evan asks Max. Max looks at me and smiles.

"Because I just asked Jasmin to move in with me and she said yes, so we need a bigger closet" Max says, smiling brightly. I follow that action.

"OMYGOD!" Rose yells, standing up and hugging me.

"Does that mean we won't get to see you as often?" Jacky asks, sounding quiet sad.

"I'll visit! And you can visit here, it'll be alright" I say, meaning it. The boys all congratulate Max as well and the girls just talk about how happy they are for me.

"So, who wants to join?" Max asks, standing up.

"I feel kind of tired, so I'll stay here" Rose says, yawning. Megan agrees with Rose, but Jacky said she'll come. Evan stays in as well, while Robin and Ryan both agree to come as well. Max explains some things about the house to Rose and Megan, while Evan knows everything.

We get our stuff and move to Max's car.


After 2 hours, we get back to Max's house. We bought a big closet, that will be delivered tomorrow afternoon. We also bought a dresser, for our underwair and socks and little things.

"Are you going to put it together now?" I ask Max as he puts the big box down in the bedroom. Ryan, Robin and Jacky went to the livingroom and joined Evan. 

"Nah, let's just do it when our friends aren't here" Max says. I nod and we also join the others in the livingroom.

"Where are Rose and Megan?" Max asks Evan.

"Asleep, they were tired from the flight or something. Also wanted to point out that I really dig your hair, Jasmin" he answers with a smile. Jacky had also told me in the car, Ryan and Robin agreeing back then.

"Thank you. I'm really happy with it" I say with a smile.


The closet got delivered yesterday. The boys and girls have now been here two days. We decided to go one a big group date, without people actually dating. Max said there was now a ice skating ring, which we are going to go to.

jasminxo : ready for some ice skating!!

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jasminxo : ready for some ice skating!!


Almost everyone has put on their skates and are on the ice. Rose and Megan are skating together, while Ryan is skating with Jacky. Robin, Evan, Max and I still have to get on the ice. Max is just finishing up tying the laces. We get on the ice, Robin and Evan skating away straight away. Max grabs my hand and we skate together. Max sometimes twirls me around, making me laugh.

Megan then grabs my hand as well, pulling me to her and Rose. Together we skate around, grabbing Jacky on our way as well, holding each others hands. We swirl around the rink, probably looking crazy.

We skate a few laps together, before I make my way back to Max, who immediately takes my hand. I smile at him, making him smile back.

"I need to tell you something" Max says, his face turning into serious mode. I frown and look at him, feeling my heart speeding up. What can he possibly have to tell me?

"What is it?" I ask him, slowing down. Max pulls me along, though.

"I love you" he says, a grin spreading on his face. My heartrate goes back to normal as I shake my head.

"You're lucky I love you too" I tell him, skating in front of him, stopping him. He smirks at me. I kiss him softly, putting my hands on his upper arms. I pull away and we start skating again. Max lets go off my hand as we reach Evan and Ryan skating together. Max puts his hands on their backs, giving them a push. Evan manages to stay up, but Ryan falls, making Max laugh very loudly. Evan laughs as well, as Ryan glares at Max. He stands up very quickly, going after Max. I shake my head and skate slowly behind them, Evan joining me.

"You know, I haven't seen him since the Monaco Grand Prix" Evan starts. My eyes widen.

"That is so long ago!" I say, quite shocked. Evan nods, but smiles.

"Yeah. The funny thing is, I've never seen him so happy. When I saw him in Monaco, he was smiley, but not really like this. Everytime I spoke to him on the phone, he sounded happy and now I can finally see why. You two are amazing together" Evan says, making me blush.

"I don't think you both realize how much you are made for each other. You changed Max, for the better. He was so into racing and only racing. Off course, he still is into racing, but like this, just skating, not being busy with F1. And then the way he looks at you and the way his smile grows when he sees you. I knew he was going to ask you to move in, because I told him too" I look at Evan, blushing and shocked.

"You did?" I ask him.

"Yeah. Max wanted to, but thought it was too soon. He gave as excuse that you hadn't been together for that long. I told him to man up and ignore the facts. He needed to follow his heart and he did. I think you two are amazing together" Evan says. I smile, thinking about everything he just said.

"Max changed me as well. I used to be someone that only goes for things that are safe. A year ago, I would've never gave up a job that I already had, for a try out at another job. I would've never just moved in with someone, let alone in a different country. Everything that was safe, was alright. I didn't take risks and I didn't like them. Now, I'm dating a risk" I say, making Evan laugh.

"We both changed each other a bit, I guess. But it's more like adjusting to each other, to make it work. I wouldn't have it any other way" I say to Evan.

"I'm really happy he has you. You two are perfect" Evan says. I feel hands on my waist. Max pulls me close to him and we skate together, as Ryan gave up his hunt on Max. I smile as he just joins the girls. Evan goes over there as well, leaving Max and me alone again.

"What did you and Evan talk about?" Max asks me. I shrugg, just smiling at him.

"About us, actually" Max just smiles, kissing my cheek.

"I can't wait to spend some alone time with you in OUR house" Max says, making sure the word 'our' is almost yelled. I giggle and nod.

"That'd be great. But this, is so nice as well. Just hanging with our friends, not having to worry about anything" I say.

"Do you ever regret taking the Red Bull job? Because you have so much on your mind and not really time off?" Max asks me, sounding a bit serious, once again.

"No, I don't regret it one bit. I love my job and I wouldn't change it for anything" I answer honestly. Max smiles at that.

"Me neither. I'm glad you took it, we had an amazing year" Max says. We just skate to our friends, enjoying these moments.



I kind of hate the first half of this chapter. Liked the other half, though.

Sorry for the first part, it sucked..

xxxx <3

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